Events - 8 Feb 14

11:00 AM - 1:00 PM #_CATEGORY

Astrology & Relationships Class

Who is attracted to whom? How does a relationship between a Cancer and a Libra pan out?  Who makes the decisions in the Aries-Capricorn relationship? How can I use astrology to get a better gauge of interests? This class is design to inform about the fundamentals of relationships from an astrological perspective. In this class, students will learn tricks to use that are effective and easy to use to further the quality of their relationships. This class is two hours long, and has an investment of $25 cash. Handouts will be provided.

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2:00 PM - 4:00 PM #_CATEGORY

Introduction to Western Sex Magick Class

A taboo subject, to be sure, Western Sex Magick is sometimes seen as nebulous or daunting when first looked at, and this is looking at it beyond just the sexuality and ethics on the surface. However, it is worth considering as a magickal technique because its potency can almost not be matched. The surprising thing about this technique is that anyone can do it, and it can manifest physical results when developed. In this two hour class, we will discuss different techniques, as well as what can be done and even how to do it! It has an investment of $25 cash, and handouts will be provided.

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