Monthly Horoscopes

Horoscopes for March 2025

Aries (Spring Equinox-approx. April 21st): Not yet, Aries. I know you feel it coming, whatever “it” is, but not yet. March 2025 begins with an emphasis on your emotions and daily life and may even bring people from the past back into your life. Or perhaps your romantic life spices up a bit. Another positive to watch for is increased opportunities to make money through the people you know, but if you hesitate, you might miss out. However, the first two weeks may also bring challenges and issues with your immediate family or physical home. After the equinox, things may take a turn for the better, but in a sideways way. Until the middle of April, you may be dealing with internal changes and leftover things from the past, but after that, it’s “go” time. Travel, spirituality, and speaking your truth may all be helpful during the last two weeks of March.

Taurus (Approx. April 21st to approx. May 21st): I hope you are enjoying this lull in the storm, Taurus because March begins with more easy-flowing fun with close friends, family, and good food. Even though Venus stationing tells us you may have ups and downs regarding money and romance, the good far outweighs the bad. This will continue for the first two weeks of March 2025, so enjoy it while you can. As the month progresses, a lot of the good vibes earlier in the month dissipate, but there is nothing bad to replace them, leaving the last two weeks something of an enjoyable time but bland as well. The ongoing transformation you’ve been experiencing will continue throughout the month, with some unexpected twists, but by and large, March may be just what the doctor ordered for your emotions and creativity.

Gemini (Approx. May 21st to Summer Solstice): While you may feel optimistic at the beginning of the month, the challenges of emotions, creativity, and spirituality will most likely continue through the middle of the month. Venus retrograde may bring unexpected positive things, but there will be a price to be paid. Your emotions may be a strong power source, even though your personal picture might not be clear. As the month continues, you may feel a positive change as your emotions and spirituality begin to settle down. The process won’t be complete until Saturn and Neptune exit Pisces, but from equinox on, life might get a lot smoother, at least internally, if nothing else. Around equinox your emotions may be out of sorts, but this will be short-lived. To illustrate your fortune, the upcoming Mercury retrograde may not manifest as badly as expected.

Cancer (Summer Solstice to approx. July 21st): Even though your emotions, creativity, and spirituality may be rolling along nice and smoothly right now, your love life and money may be sources of challenges as March 2025 begins, so it would be wise to focus on what you can control and not worry about what you can’t control. There are still inner wounds waiting to be healed. After the equinox, you may find that things get more challenging, as the Mercury retrograde brings challenges in communication, romance, and money on hand, so it would be wise to be cautious until April arrives. The good news is that this continues to be a good time to focus on your immediate family, close friends, and home life. Emotional tension may be present during the last week of the month, and this will have to do with issues between your career and your private life. However, this tension will fade by April 1.

Leo (Approx. July 21st to approx. August 21st): The past coming back up is a theme for most of March, so it would be wise to face it when it arrives and deal with it in appropriate ways. This is all part of the clean-up process, which is part of your ongoing personal transformation and your societal place. As the month continues, the emphasis on dealing with outstanding issues will continue, but now the emphasis is on how to position yourself for future growth and long-term stability. By chatting with people you know, you may find opportunities present themselves that have to do with prosperity and learning new things, but your daily life may continue to have its unexpected moments. Taking a trip (carefully planned with contingencies) might be a good release, as would spiritual growth and development.

Virgo (Approx. August 21st to Autumnal Equinox): March 2025 begins with a lot of emphasis on emotional, spiritual, and creative tension, so you may want to be patient and calculating when it comes to healing and moving ahead. It would also be wise to watch your words when casually chatting with friends, as those words may pose more problems than benefits. As the month continues, you may notice a lot of the tension from the beginning of the month subsides, which is the beginning of the light at the end of the tunnel. Once Saturn and Neptune enter Aries, you may feel the weight of the world lifted off your shoulders. With the retrogrades during the month and the gradual shift from Pisces to Aries focus, you may find this is a good month to wrap up anything outstanding and put your emotions first and foremost, perhaps even returning to previous projects such as creative or romantic ones, with the intent to resume them. 

Libra (Autumnal Equinox to approx. October 21st): March 2025 begins with a bang, as stationing Venus in Aries brings tension having to do with romance, particularly relationships from the past. The first two weeks of the month are also a good time to avoid impulse purchases. You may find that your friends can provide not only comfort but also learning opportunities and maybe even financial blessings. As the month continues, the tension grows, and you may feel like there is more to come, which there is, when Saturn and Neptune enter Aries, but that is still quite some time away. Returning to past situations, whether romantic, financial, or communicative, may be themes throughout the month. The second to last week of March brings opportunities for travel, foreign connections, or spiritual growth, depending on your current mindset.

Scorpio (Approx. October 21st to approx. November 21st): Can you feel it, Scorpios? Can you feel all of the energy in the air at your disposal? What is your intuition telling you? March 2025 is the beginning of the next part of your spiritual journey. You may find your emotions, creativity, spirituality, and maybe even romance are all going through a renaissance of sorts, but the water might be murky for the moment. This will clear over the next few months as Saturn and Neptune enter Aries, but your intuition is your guiding light for now. As the month progresses, you may find all of the good vibes from the first half of the month fade but are not replaced with anything bad. Rather, it is a neutral shift. This paves the way for recollection after recent events and a reassessment of where you are in life. Other than dealing with the Mercury and Venus retrogrades, you may find the bulk of the emphasis is on positively managing the energy around you because if you’re not careful, it may be too much of a good thing and may shorten your temper and make you accident prone if you are in a hurry.

Sagittarius (Approx. November 21st to Winter Solstice): Ouch. March 2025 begins with a mixed bag, but unfortunately, the trend is towards challenges and tension. At the beginning of the month, challenges having to do with creativity, spirituality, romance, and emotions may all be present, and there may be tension when it comes to money, prosperity, and social distractions. But, the tradeoff is that the Venus and Mercury retrogrades may bring things up from the past, but in the long run, this will be a good thing. Watch out for communication challenges concerning the ego and stubbornness, and if you are mindful, these cycles may bring positive results. As March progresses, the aforementioned challenges greatly decrease, and you may find yourself in a good position in most areas of life, with the only challenges remaining having to do with working through karma and other spiritual issues. This sets the stage for a strong beginning to April, so consider March 2025 a combination of cleaning up and setting the stage for the future.

Capricorn (Winter Solstice to approx. January 21st): March 2025 begins with challenges concerning spending habits, emotions, romance, and creativity. However, even though these will be around for a while, the tradeoff is that you may find your intuition is stronger than ever and that you are spiritually sound. There may also be tension in your home life and with close friends, but this has been going on for a while and will fade once Mars enters Leo. As March continues, things may get more challenging, emphasizing communication, specifically when it comes to communicating during times of anger. People from your past may come back up the last three weeks of March, and unfortunately, they may bring more challenges and problems than you desire. The good news is that they are all part of a cleaning-out process so that you can receive more, better things over the course of the next eighteen months.

Aquarius (Approx. January 21st to approx. February 21st): Breathe deep, Aquarians, because you are one of the few signs that could have a positive start to March 2025. There are the ongoing challenges that have to do with daily life and a changing society, but other than that, even the retrogrades might bring easy-flowing good things your way, particularly as they pertain to romance, opportunities for quick cash, financial and educational opportunities through friends, so it would be wise to enter the month in a relaxed fashion to receive the smoothness coming your way. After the equinox, you might notice a shift for the better and the easier, even though the Venus and Mercury retrogrades continue. Traveling and studying spirituality may be two things that can help you recharge the last two weeks of the month, and this might also be a time when it is beneficial to speak your truth.

Pisces (Approx. February 21st to Spring Equinox): Happy (?) birthday, Pisces! This is your time, but is it really? Venus stationing in Aries may bring emotions that are out of sorts that could negatively affect your creativity, and your romantic life might be in turmoil, too. For the whole month, it is wise to watch what you spend with your friends and your words around them. A thick fog may be energetically felt, but some of the stagnation from February is fading. But, your spirituality may be stronger and deeper than ever, almost overwhelmingly so. The current emphasis is on your home life, long-time friends, and immediate family, whatever form this takes. The nature of this is being proactive for the future. As the month continues, new challenges replace what you’ve been dealing with for a few months, but these challenges are not as intense as the recent past, and many of them will fade quickly. As April starts, it may feel like a breath of fresh air, and there may be a second wind in your sails, so navigate the crossroads that is your month, reciting the Serenity Prayer as you go, and you may find the world opens up in April.

*For all signs: Venus stations retrograde on March 1st in Aries at eleven degrees and will be retrograde until April 13th, where it directs at twenty-four degrees Pisces. Watch for people from your past coming back up. Depending on your chart, this could be a rough time if you have lots of cardinal sign activity.

*For all signs: Mercury retrogrades on March 14th at nine degrees Aries and will be retrograde until April 8th, when it directs at twenty-seven degrees Pisces. If you have a lot of cardinal sign activity, you may find this is a challenging period that has to do with electronics, personal communication, and daily inconveniences.


These little tidbits of advice, along with this horoscope, are brought to you by Bill Duvendack of 418 Ascendant LLC. Bill is an internationally known astrologer, author, clairvoyant, teacher, presenter, and tarot reader. He is available for consultations of many kinds and is an ordained Thelemic bishop who can assist in spiritual growth and development. For more information, consult his website,, and feel free to email him at