Each of the classes listed below are available for download. You can invest in your growth by purchasing the handouts, and/or the video from each class – simply select which you would like and add to cart. Multiples can be selected, so make sure you check all of the boxes you desire.
Courses that do not have a video trailer are recorded webinars that are in an MP4 format or an MP3 audio file.
After your purchase you will be sent a link to download the class in its entirety. Please note that these are large files and may require a long time to download on low speed connections.
* Intro to Draconian Magick
* Sinister Gods of the Left Hand Path
* Awakening the Light Bringer
* Qliphothic Initiations
* Sex Alchemy of Lilith & Samael Webinar
* Magick 101
* Sigilcraft Webinar
* Intro to Theosophy Webinar
* Intro to Enochian Magick
* Living Alchemy
* Esoteric Qabala Webinar
* Evocation & Pacts with Spirits
* Intro to Thelema Webinar
* Magical Hebrew
*Intro to Western Sex Magick
*Eclipses, Gateways to Growth
*Mercury Retrograde, What to Do?
Five Pillars of Astrology
* Lunar Apsides Webinar
* Introduction to Esoteric Astrology Webinar
* Esoteric Astrology Series I – Fundamentals
* Esoteric Astrology Series II – Initiations
* As Within So Without Astrology & Relationships Webinar
* Astrology for Healthy Relationships Webinar
* Astrology in Modern Occultism Webinar
* Astrological Aspects
* Astrological Houses
* Astrological Planets
* Astrological Signs
* Astrology Fundamentals Series
*Astrological Timing of Events
*Astrological Life Cycles
*Astrological Aspect Patterns
*Retrograde Planets, a Personal Portrait
*Astrological Chart Interpretation
* Uncovering the Tarot Webinar
* Tarot & the Zodiac Webinar
* Psychic Self-Defense
* Thoughtforms
* Why are You, You?
* Your Shadow, Your Friend
* Angels
* The Aura, Chakras, & Kundalini