Happy Full Moon!


Today is the full moon and the last one of the season, at that! Oh, and did I mention an eclipse, too, specifically a lunar eclipse? To say that is a lot is an understatement. We also have several planets at the end of their signs, a point I will discuss in my upcoming newsletter. For now, it is enough to note that the vibe in the air is that of endings and resolutions. This is a time of letting go, which may be happening in various ways, depending on where you are on your path. The main focus in astrology is on letting go of what you want to see and accepting what is right before your eyes. Astrologically, all eyes turn to the physical reality we all share and face it for what it is rather than how we think it should be or even how we want it to be. “Meeting things on their levels” is a good summary of how to approach things for now.

This is a point I have seen debated a lot recently, which is that of meeting someone on their level. This is practical wisdom. When dealing with people and situations, you have to face them as they are and interact with them in a way they will understand. Isn’t this the best way to communicate? It doesn’t mean you change your message, but rather, you deliver it in a way that those affected understand. Here is an example to illustrate the point: When I teach and present, I start off with everyday examples to illustrate what I am talking about. I use these examples because people who attend usually have those kinds of experiences to use to relate, whereas if I were presenting to other professional astrologers, I would skip that and start off with something else, more specific to all of us.

What I’m saying here just makes sense, right? If you speak Spanish to the Greek, it probably wouldn’t go well, so it is always wise to remember your audience. But that does not mean you have to change your ideals or goals. The emphasis is on the delivery, not the message, which is the point many people get stuck on. Right now, there are four astrological chart points in water signs and four in earth, telling us that yes, now is the time to have your vision for your life, but to manifest that, it is time to focus on the physical world rather than visualization. Now is the time to collect the resources and make contacts. Now is the time to put in the hard work necessary to achieve your vision for where you want your life to be.

Let’s talk about the order of the planes in the Western Esoteric Tradition real quick so things make sense. First, we have the vision. Then, we create the methodology. Next, we get emotionally invested in the project, and finally, we put in the hard work to actualize our goal. It’s a four-step method found in Qabalism and the order of the planes: fire, then air, then water, and finally, earth. This also means that we are collectively at the lowest precipitated point in reality, meaning we are working with the most condensed forces that exist.

This means taking things as they are and realizing that sometimes, when we’re dealing with the physical world, we’re dealing with the ugly. We’re dealing with the uncomfortable. This also means accepting uncomfortable truths. While all of this sounds daunting, it really isn’t. It just means mentally putting our desires in check and focusing on what is best for the most amount of people involved. Setting aside pride and idealism can be good ways to approach things. The sticking point for all of this is the fact that physical reality is polarity-based. Black and white, inside and outside, right and wrong, all of these and many other related ideas are what we are dealing with at the moment. I’m not saying polarized reality is right or even the ideal, but it is what it is right now.

Now is the time to get your hands dirty in the name of building something better in the future. Now is the time to face uncomfortable situations. Now is the time to get into the details of things and formulate a plan moving forward. Now is the time to understand the perspectives of others, and to see that just because the problems are polarity in nature doesn’t mean the solutions have to be. We can find innovative ways ahead, but it takes more than just anyone of us. It takes a collective effort, but first it takes proactivity. We cannot wait for someone else to act. We should act first in our lives, whatever that entails, as long as it is for the greatest growth and good of all. Mending fences and building bridges are two good thoughts to keep in mind right now.

Most of all, the focus is on the moment. The eternal now is what is calling for our attention. Our thoughts and attention should be on what we experience with our senses, not how we think things should be. After all, if you want a change, you have to change. If you choose not to make changes, they will be forced on you when a lot of these planets move to their next signs, so you can either get out in front of it or get caught up in it. It’s your choice because change is happening regardless. There’s no digging in our heels against the tides of change. Those that do will be left behind. How about you? I know I’m proactive and am doing the work. What about you?


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