Happy Full Moon Pisces!


Today we have the full moon Pisces, with the moon itself in the mutable earth sign of Virgo, and the Sun in Pisces. I’m sure you have seen plenty of the pop culture and shallow articles about what this full moon means, so I won’t bother discussing the fact its a super moon (It’s pretty irrelevant to see that as you’ll see in a moment). Rather, I am going to discuss how and why to put all of this to work for you. But first, let’s talk about this supermoon.

I’ve discussed this before so I won’t go deep into it here, except to address the fact that we are missing out a lot of profundity because we are lost in our own jadedness. Here we go: As many of you have noticed, supermoons have been getting more attention over the last few years, and because of this, most people are immune to the term, and some even have a knee jerk reaction to it. The fact of the matter is though, that all of these supermoons happening more and more frequently, tell us that there is a large cosmic shift occurring in the solar system, and this isn’t only astrological, it’s also astronomical. Remember that the term supermoon was coined by an astrologer but is actually an astronomical event. Anyway, before I digress, I just want to clarify what it is and why, even though it is over discussed in the media, it is still important to remember our perspective and context.

Yes, this full moon is about healing, as I’m sure you’ve seen already, but let’s talk more nuts and bolts. This is a time of healing IF you put into practice what you want to heal, and IF you are proactive with regards to the steps you will take on a daily basis to make this happen. In other words, this full moon isn’t about banishing negativity or any other shallow shit. Rather, this is a full moon that asks one simple question: Do you practice what you preach? Are you going to put your money where your mouth is and physically enact change in a real, physical, and tangible way? And if not, will you stay quiet about your suffering, knowing you are in a hell of your own making? As always, the choice is yours, but choose wisely. With Chiron moving into Aries, we are reminded that if we aren’t being the healer, then our suffering is our own fault.

All of this is sobering, yes I know, but these are sobering times. The world and global society is changing. Are you on board? Are you changing in accord? And if not, do you have the intelligence to suffer in silence, knowing that if you aren’t part of the solution you are part of the problem? Regardless, simply know that now is the time for action in line with compassion, self-love, self-healing, and being of service to others. It’s our time, so let’s do this as one unified voice.


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