Happy Full Moon Leo!


Today we have the full moon, with the sun in Leo and the moon in Aquarius. It is also the feast day of Mary in Christianity, which means it is the feast day of Hecate. I realize some of you may have celebrated that a few days ago, but today is is just as valid for her celebration, if not moreso, so you might as well continue the festival. 

This full moon is especially juicy because this one is all about thinking big, dreaming big, and making things happen. However, it will only manifest if your Will (with a capital ‘W’) is in it, and only if you are doing the work. If you’ll notice, putting in the work is the current theme of this astrological time. Unlike the last few years though, this is straight up hard work and not shadow work. By this point in evolution, it is expected that you know your shadow and know what needs put into action there. So, this is step two of the steps needed to prepare for the big changes coming up next year. Put in the work now, wherever the latter degrees of Capricorn are located in your chart, because next year things are changing, so why not make them, now? After all, its better to be proactive than reactive. And remember, fortune favors the bold! 



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