Happy Full Moon!


Today we have the full moon in Sagittarius, with the moon herself in Gemini. Coupled with this are several other celestial events that are occurring. First, Chiron in Aries is stationing, so the energy associated with wounds and healing may seem to be out of sorts. Secondly, Venus in Capricorn is stationing as well, meaning that energy associated with creativity, love, beauty, money, and the appreciation of any of those, may also be out of sorts. Finally, the Sun in the current sky is conjunct, or blended with, our galactic core. See? I can’t say THE galactic core, because there is no such thing, as the multiverse is composed of multiple galaxies. But, that is a digression for another time.

First, let’s start with discussing “stationing.” When a planet stations, it is in the middle of going either retrograde or direct. Generally, this period of time is brief, but in the cases of some planets, it is extended, and this is the case for Chiron. Chiron is stationing direct, whereas Venus is stationing retrograde, the first time in two years. Therefore the energy of both planets is off, so you can expect hangups and hiccups when it comes to the characteristics of both planets. The signs they are in tell us how they will play out. Both Capricorn and Aries are cardinal signs, so both will be stubborn. But, Capricorn is the voice of earned authority, whereas Aries is the voice of the pioneer. So in either case you can expect conflicting egos to be coming up, regarding the themes of Venus and Chiron. The way that stationing energy manifests is that it acts like on-again-off-again energy, or lots of starts and stops, so you can expect this at the moment, and at least through the middle of next week.

While all of this sounds powerful, it is really background noise, as the two major players in the cosmic act right now are the Sun and the moon. Let’s start with the signs. Sagittarius is the sign of single focus and direction. It is the sign that really doesn’t take bullshit from anyone. As a dear astrologer friend of mine told me many years ago: “Sagittarians do not have a malicious bone in their body. The tongue is not a bone.” While Sagittarius is generally seen as a sign of optimism, this does not mean they are pacifists or kumbaya lovers of any sort. Generally Sagittarians, and people with heavy Sagittarius in their charts, do not tolerate stupid shit of any type, and are generally seen as the most honest sign in the zodiac. The problem comes from the fact that they are direct, so manners and niceties are secondary in consideration. This means if you are surrounded by Sagittarius heavy individuals, it is smart to have a thick skin, but also the gift and application of introspection.

Yeah, about that last point. You see, Sagittarius is also the most spiritual sign of the zodiac. Only Pisces comes close to the spirituality of Sagittarius, and while Cancer is the most religious, the connection between religion and spirituality is tenuous at best for both signs. This has been discussed over the last few decades in the discussion about “spiritual but not religious.” On one hand, this is great because more and more people are becoming spiritual and shedding the disempowering shackles of dogma that codified religions have to offer. However, this is also bad, because it has been proven time and again that being part of a religion is something that we as humans need. Therefore, finding the middle ground is wise to do, and all it requires is finding your community. So now, when the Sun is in Sagittarius, it is all about finding your spiritual focus and direction, and pursuing it. And if there are those that take your attention away from it, well, fuck ’em. You don’t need that lower, toxic energy in your life. Another way to look at this is that one cannot serve two masters, so choose wisely. With the Sun conjunct the galactic core, we find that now is the time to get off the couch and get to work on your spirit. Whether it is meditation, ritual magick, self-hypnosis, or donating time at a soup kitchen, it is simply time to do something rather than sitting around talking. As this develops, you may find that the wisdom you receive is deeper than normal, and that you can achieve new heights of success you may not have been able to visualize before. If you have people in your life that have heavy Sagittarius energy in their charts, you may see that their optimism and good humor is infectious, as is their love of freedom, autonomy, and all related concepts that are mature, but you may also want to have a thick skin and practice regular self-reflection, because if you don’t, their honest insights into your character will either tear you apart, or cast you down into a deeper pit of denial than you were already in. But hey, it’s your choice to be there, so you can’t really blame them for holding you accountable for your own bullshit. And if you didn’t know you were in denial or oblivious to what you’re doing before they told you, now you know, and you should be thanking them, rather than trying to rationalize away the fact that they are right, and you can’t handle it.

In very stark contrast, Gemini is the sign of variety. It is the sign of adaptability and seeing things from other peoples’ perspectives. Gemini is the sign of the personal communicator, but also the sign of technology and doing things rather quickly, too. While Sagittarius focuses on one point, Gemini focuses on many points. While Sagittarius is usually blunt and direct, many times Geminis are diplomats. But, people with strong Gemini in their charts are also guilty of talking out of both sides of their mouth. They are the liars as much as they are the great communicators. They get lost in their variety and then have the audacity to wonder why they are getting nowhere in their lives, when it is their own fault for lacking discipline and hard work. You can see how anti-Sagittarius they can be. Generally, people with strong Gemini in their chart have the gift to absorb a lot of information, and can usually apply it quickly and successfully, too. However, most are also guilty of lacking self-reflection or self-discovery, preferring the lazy route of assimilating information rather than doing the hard work to assess their inner life, behaviors, and outlooks. Ironic for a sign ruled by Mercury, the planet of personal communication and the psychopomp. If you have someone with heavy Gemini in their chart in your life, they are the “go-to” when it comes to all things related to personal communication, information on a variety of subjects, and multi-tasking, but they are generally not the ones to go to for any deep, meaningful conversations about such topics as gaslighting, projection, narcissism, victimhood, or deep spirituality.

Unfortunate and common themes I have noticed in depth and quantity over the last four or five years are those of denial, projection, gaslighting, and the lack of integrity. What are you in denial about in your life? What are you in denial about to yourself? What belief are you projecting onto others in your life? What projections from others are you allowing to dictate who you are? Do you gaslight? And if so, are you aware that you are doing it, thereby making you a toxic manipulator? Or are you doing it unknowingly? If you are not doing it at all, how do you treat those in your life that do it? Really, why do you allow people in your life that do this? I mean, really, that’s a sign of low self-esteem if ever I have seen one. And finally, do you do what you say you are going to do? If not, do you discuss it with the wounded parties? (Yes, you are wounding them if you don’t do what you say you’re going to do, making you the abuser if you don’t discuss this with them, specifically focusing on alternative ways to maintain your word.) Do you hold others to that same standard? *Hint, you should… * I know from experience that when you begin to work with integrity it is intimidating and challenging, because most people “bite off more than they can chew,” as the saying goes, and really, that’s okay. But when or if that comes up, the saving grace is humility. Being able to tell the person that you didn’t know what you were getting into when you told them you were going to do something, and asking them to discuss the subject again to come up with a different solution is a sign of spiritual maturity. Sadly, I see that lacking personally, professionally, and socially. Most people would rather strengthen their toxic ego by being in denial, duplicitous, or simply not doing what they said they would do. That is a conversation for another time, though.

The reason all of this matters now is not only because of the full moon, but also the two planets stationing at the moment. Now is the time to call yourself out on your own inner bullshit, but remember that most times Sagittarians do this on a regular basis. Tragically though, remember that each sign is a spectrum of experience, so while most Sagittarians practice this, there are a great many that don’t. This is the time to cut through your own inner crap when it comes to romantic and loving relationships. If you have told your partner you would do something and you didn’t do it, the next mature, evolved thing to do is to discuss this with them and atone for this. I focus on romantic relationships here because Venus is involved, but this could just as easily have come up in the workplace or creative sphere of your life. Again, I can tell you from personal experience that when you first train yourself to address the themes we’re discussing here, it is intimidating. It is scary, but the more you do it, the more you are raising your vibration, and eventually things work out to the degree that you receive compassion and real love from your loved ones. It is idyllic to hope that one day, everyone will practice integrity. One day.

Seeing your own value through this process and pondering these points would be wise to do right now, as Chiron reminds us. Focusing on your wounded sense of being, self-esteem, and all things related to spiritual maturity would be wise to do at this time. Emotional detachment is a fine skill to cultivate, but you are limited by the level of your audience, so if they can’t handle it, it may be time to leave the room to find better people, because you deserve better. While this is especially true of romantic relationships, you may also find it true when it comes to your creativity and how you use it to produce tangible good results in your life on a repeatable basis.

No matter how you apply all of this though, know that now is the time to get your head on straight to prepare for the new year. Now is the time to humbly ask forgiveness of those that you have done wrong, and if you have already done that, and certain toxic and abusive cycles are repeating, then the next level of healing is standing up for yourself by walking out of the door of the situation and environment. You can’t expect someone with toxic pride to actually grow and apologize, let alone try to make things right. You’re doing good just to get them to listen to you! I encourage you to ponder all of this during this full moon. Prioritize situations in your life that are related to this, and make a to-do list over this coming season so that when the new year rolls around, you are focused, determined, and empowered. After all, you deserve it, and the world has seen enough of the opposite over the last five years or so. So if not now, when? If not you, who? If not here, where?

And just to clarify because I am confident people will think this mentally: I have strong Sagittarius AND Gemini in my chart, so if I’m discussing this with you, I have already been there, done that, have worn out the t-shirt, and am sauntering through these themes again like talking to an old friend to share with you what I have learned. Why? Because love is the law and it is my will.

If you are interested, check out tomorrow’s Temple 418 service for more about this subject.



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