Happy Full Moon!


Today we have the full moon, with the Sun at the tail end of Leo, and the Moon at the tail end of Aquarius. It also happens to be the solar ingress into the mutable earth sign of Virgo in the tropical zodiac. I will talk more about that in the newsletter that will be going out soon, but for this piece, let’s focus on the full moon. After all, I know many people saw it in the night sky last night, and particularly enjoyed the fact that Jupiter was there, conjunct the Moon. In a lot of ways, this tells us everything we need to know for the upcoming month. Five of the planets that are regularly studied in astrology are in signs that they rule (Mercury in Virgo, the Sun in Leo, Venus in Libra, Saturn in Aquarius, and Neptune in Pisces). When this is present, it tells us their traits and overall tendencies favor the positive and the good!

This should be tempered by the fact that there are currently six (seven, if you count the node) retrogrades. When it is a heavy retrograde season, the main theme to see is to focus on your inner life, your inner self. This is a time to see who you are and to make changes in line with where the work needs to be done. So, when you put these two points together, it tells us that if you look within right now, you may find the answers that you seek. Things might be a little clearer, and because of this, things might just fall into place as you desire.

But, these two points are magnified by the full moon, especially since it is occurring near the end of the respective signs (Aquarius and Leo). When planets are at the tail ends of signs, it tells us certain cycles of development are coming to a close. Every ending is a beginning though, and with all of the aforementioned planets located in strong places, the beginnings do not look rough. Rather, they look like a series of “lucky” breaks, smooth transitions, and divine intervention in some cases.

These cycles will largely have to do with your role and interaction with society. Aquarius is the group, and Leo is the self. Both, in proper balance, are needed to have a healthy, active life. Too much of either one can cause many, many problems, that eventually cascade. This means that one of the things we can take away from this time is that it is time for an internal review to bring things in balance, so that you can be more effective in life in general.

Over the next month, watch for changes happening in the workplace, but also with regards to health. Part of what you can control though, are the necessary internal changes to deal with the world at large. After all, no matter where you are in society, there are more of “them” than you, and all of us finding moderation, communication, compassion, and community, create a better place for all of us. Some might think that this is some sort of kumbaya moment, and really, it’s just logic. It’s easier to accomplish goals if we use our brains and work together. So now is the time for us to ask ourselves how we interact with society. What can we do different? What can we do better? How do we find it within ourself to get along with people that we may not agree with? It’s almost like *gasp* adulting!

In the newsletter that will go out later, I will focus on the Virgo side of the equation, which will get more into the nuts and bolts, like Virgos wont to do, so if you want more information, subscribe to the newsletter on the home page of this website, and I will send it out several hours from now. Regardless though, now we have a chance to catch our breath, review, and plan for the future. After all, change is the only thing that is constant.


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