Events - 6 Jun 19

1:00 PM - 2:30 PM #_CATEGORY

Light Bringer through History & Culture Presentation

The concept of the light bringer, the one that brings light, is a vital part of all spiritual traditions, yet there is a lot of propaganda and distortion about it in the world today. In this day and age, working with the light is glorified, yet, when we take a closer look, we find paranoia and fear. So what exactly are we to believe? How does this fit into context of the last two thousand years? Why has there been such an assault on seeking the light? In this presentation, we will look at a lot of the light oriented deities in several pantheons. We will also discuss why there has been and still is, an attack on this powerful and natural archetype. Will be held at the main track.

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3:00 PM - 4:30 PM #_CATEGORY

Red Goddess of Lust & Passion Presentation

Generally the idea of the red goddess is that of a goddess of war and violence, but there is another side to her. This is the side of the passionate female. This is the aspect of lust and the lustful female. While most material focuses on the more martial aspects of her, in this presentation we will look at the passionate and lustful sides of her. There is a deeper wisdom to her in this guise, which we will explore in this presentation. Outside of Thelema, her role is seen as violent, and within Thelema she is seen as desirous, and in this presentation we will reconcile both into a surprisingly ancient archetype. Join us as we look at the red goddess in all of her forms-violent, energetic, passionate, lustful, and desirous.

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5:00 PM - 6:00 PM #_CATEGORY

Who are your Spirit Allies? Presentation

What beings do you have an energetic connection with during this lifetime? How are they separate from spirit guides? In this presentation, we will look at the angels & demons you may have a strong connection to in this lifetime through the lens of astrology. Bring your chart information if you have it! This will be on the chaos magick track.

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8:00 PM - 9:00 PM #_CATEGORY

Sonic Templars Performance

Will be part of the Sonic Templars group giving a performance at the Babalon Rising main stage!

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