Red Goddess of Lust & Passion Presentation

6 Jun 2019 -3:00 pm - 4:30 pm

Generally the idea of the red goddess is that of a goddess of war and violence, but there is another side to her. This is the side of the passionate female. This is the aspect of lust and the lustful female. While most material focuses on the more martial aspects of her, in this presentation we will look at the passionate and lustful sides of her. There is a deeper wisdom to her in this guise, which we will explore in this presentation. Outside of Thelema, her role is seen as violent, and within Thelema she is seen as desirous, and in this presentation we will reconcile both into a surprisingly ancient archetype. Join us as we look at the red goddess in all of her forms-violent, energetic, passionate, lustful, and desirous.

4093 Boone Hollow Road