Happy Full Moon!


Today, we have the full moon, with the sun in Gemini and the moon in Sagittarius. During this full moon, the supporting cast takes center stage, though, and that is what we will discuss here. Venus and Jupiter are at the tail end of Taurus, getting ready to change signs, with both of them moving into Gemini within a few days. This ends the problematic Jupiter Uranus conjunction in Taurus that has been prevalent for quite a long time now, and with their entrances into Gemini, many people are speculating that this will break things loose in a positive way since both Jupiter and Venus are considered benefits. But, as much as pedestrian posts say this is largely beneficial, it is also as true that these entrances could be highly problematic for certain signs, such as Pisces, Sagittarius, and Virgo. So, when you have twenty-five percent of the zodiac potentially negatively impacted, you can’t (in clear conscience) say these ingresses will be good. However, I am optimistic that these broad-swath comments are right, especially since I have a lot of planets in Pisces and Sagittarius.

I point all of this out because Gemini is the planet of personal communication, which means that now and for the next month, it is a good time to be careful when it comes to personal conversations, especially online, but also in daily life. During the course of June, we see a high concentration of Gemini energy, so the vibe in the air will be more in line with Gemini traits than any other sign, so it makes sense to be mindful of critical thinking skills and remember that just because something is repeated often and on a big stage doesn’t make it correct. Supporting this Gemini activity is a lot of activity in Aries now and moving forward. The good news is that Aries and Gemini get along smoothly and very well in the natural zodiac, so you may find all things related to Gemini go along smoothly, which can put you in a position to heal internal wounds that have to do with the ego, self-confidence, and being a pioneer in some way.

Until early June, though, we still have strong lingering Taurus energy, so we can’t count our chickens yet because they haven’t hatched. Until all of these planetary placements shift into Gemini, all Taurus traits are still emphasized and center stage. Taurus corresponds to the physical world, the body, money, food, and traditional responses to things, so the physical world is still paramount. With Venus and Jupiter at the final degrees, we find that cycles having to do with Taurus traits are coming to a close, and usually, things don’t go out without a bang, so you may find some spectacular things will still occur. Also of note is that this Taurus activity is forming a gently flowing sextile to Neptune in Pisces, and since Jupiter and Neptune are slower moving, more social planets, then interacting with society is still a major theme to contend with, with an emphasis on bringing things to a close to embrace fun, friendly time during June.

Even though it is part of the full moon, the moon in Sagittarius also plays a supporting role since it forms a gently flowing sextile to Pluto in Aquarius. This tells us that now is a good time to speak your truth to society in the name of change. However, don’t forget that if you change something, it also changes you, or at least it should. The moon in Sagittarius also tells us that now is a good time to demonstrate your spirituality to the world at large. In other words, don’t just post cute little pictures about your beliefs; demonstrate them with your actions and goals so that others can see them. Sometimes, leading by example is the best way to be.

Finally, during the last weekend of May, you may find that you can accrue a lot of psychological healing if you align your actions with your beliefs. This is coming from the Sagittarius moon trining the North Node of the Moon, Chiron, and Mars in Aries. This aspect also tells us you may have more energy than normal at your disposal and that your connection to divinity may be stronger than normal. But if you’re not careful, you may find that you hurry too much, which could set the stage for accidents if you hurry too much.

Once June arrives, though, hold onto your hats because it is going to be about air and fire. Remember basic chemistry: Air feeds fire. On this point, I agree with pedestrian thoughts. Yes, things are about to take off in June—there is no doubt about that. But will it be a smooth takeoff or one full of turbulence, which could be true for a quarter of the zodiac? The monthly astrological preview video that comes out around June first will have more information about this, so I encourage you to check it out when it goes live. But for now, it is enough to know that by the next full moon in roughly a month, things will be a lot different than they are now, and how they have been for the last few months. Of that you can be sure.


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