Happy Full Moon!


Today we have the full moon, with the sun in  Cancer and the moon in Capricorn. This is a particularly powerful full moon because there is some important activity happening in Aries that comes into play. In Aries, we have Jupiter and Chiron, and all of these placements together form a challenging aspect pattern called a cardinal sign grand cross. In short, this aspect pattern tells us that things are agitated right now and that challenges may abound. A lot of the current challenges may have to do with figuring things out. Cancer is the sign of tradition, Capricorn is the sign of authority and authoritarian structures, and Aries is the pioneer, moving ahead in new directions for the betterment of all. It is easy to see how all of these things conflict.

Cancer wants the known and the comfortable, while Capricorn says it’s time to take charge through the power of authority. Aries comes along though, and says “hey, let’s try something new since some of the old ways aren’t working!” Of course both Cancer and Capricorn recoil at this because it takes them out of their comfort zones, but without that Aries energy, stagnation reigns.

With this particular energy, we find that the things that are agitated in our lives are the things that need to be changed in order to grow. The catch is that these directions may not be in the direction of what is tried and true, traditional and comfortable. Aries is the pioneer that forges new paths and directions, so the direction it takes is the one necessary for growth, but the price to be paid is that of embracing the unknown rather than fearing it. We know how that goes, though, as H.P. Lovecraft pointed out when he said that the oldest and greatest fear of humanity is the fear of the unknown.

Even though the wise thing to do is embrace Aries energy when it comes to your various life areas that are currently agitated, we should not leave behind the lessons and principles of both Cancer and Capricorn. Themes like family, tradition, community, authority, structure, knowledge, and application, should all be brought into the new direction provided by the Aries energy. In other words, this is not an absolute time, but rather a time of adaptation and bringing the best of the old into the brave new world unfolding in front of us that we are co-creating.

During this full moon, then, assess what is agitated and what you can do about it. Pioneer into new directions, but bring the best of the old ways with you as you forge ahead, creating your own spiritual path and direction. The next full moon will be about connecting your microcosmic self with the greater whole of society, but we will discuss that later. For now until we chat again, may we all receive blessings of good health, prosperity, and success, as we move forward in the next month of our lives.



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