Happy Full Moon!

Today we have the full moon, with the sun in the mutable air sign of Gemini, and the moon in the mutable fire sign of Sagittarius. This in and of itself is noteworthy, but also in play is Neptune in the mutable water sign of Pisces. Those three planets are forming a pressurizing aspect pattern called a “T-Square.” This is an aspect pattern that produces friction, and through friction, serious growth can occur. Alchemically speaking, this is the equivalent to the agitation process. For those of you that are not familiar with alchemy, the agitation process is when you take your product and shake it up. “Shaken, not stirred,” comes to mind. As most people know, if you want to blend ingredients that are fluid, you mix them together and agitate until they are well blended, and when this has occurred, voila, you have your new product, much different than the two, yet rooted in both. This full moon focuses on the agitation that needs to occur in our individual lives in order to give birth to our own dancing star, to paraphrase Nietzsche.

The three-way relationship we’re discussing has to do with our spiritual, questing nature, tempered by our curious mind. Thrown into the mix is the Gemini sun, fueled by our curiosity, but driven to communicate and adapt. You can easily see how all three of these points could work together, but this is a prime example of “good in theory, but not necessarily in practice.” Yes, all three of these points are mutable signs, so they all focus on adaptability, but this is a case of “too many cooks in the kitchen.” Every mutable sign has its own agenda, as colored by its element. In today’s case, the Gemini sun encourages curiosity and communication, whereas the Sagittarius moon encourages travel, truth-speaking, and spirituality, which is reinforced by Neptune in Pisces, which propels us into the spiritual unknown. To wit, the Gemini sun encourages chattiness, whereas the Sagittarius moon wants to get right to the point, and Neptune in Pisces says “Eh, why bother, dude? Just meditate and let it all go.” Neptune in Pisces also tells us “Be precise when talking? Why?”

How are these three points active in your life? Do you pursue too much spirituality? Do you chit-chat about nothing when you could be doing your will? Are you blunt when being nice could get you further? Or, are you too nice, and not direct enough? Is your spirituality escapism, rather than beneficial and practical? The agitation nature of this full moon is such that we are encouraged to look within to settle these disparages. And if you can’t look within, or think you have seen everything within, then pay attention to how others interact with you. You may find that they are mirrors of who you really are, and with some humility, you may find you can improve the way others see you.

Until the end of the week, you may find it wise to pay attention to those little conversations you have with others. It might so happen that they are a reflection of you, and divinity is communicating with you through them. By being aware of your conversations and making your spirituality practical, you celebrate today’s holy day, which is the Festival of Humanity. By focusing on living your best life possible, you demonstrate the evolution of humanity and what we can accomplish together, which is truly something to celebrate!



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