Happy Full Moon!


Today we have the full moon, with the sun in the fixed fire sign of Leo and the moon in the fixed air sign of Aquarius, the opposite sign of Leo. The two signs are as different as night and day, as Leo is a very personal sign, whereas Aquarius is a sign of the group and the greater world at large. There are other mitigating circumstances right now, and through their influence, we gain some greater insight into what’s going on at the moment.

The first point to note is that transiting Saturn retrograde in Aquarius is conjunct (blended with) the moon. When this combination is present, it tells us distorted fears may be currently gripping us individually, and these would have to do with one’s role within the greater society at large. Aquarius also corresponds to large groups of people that govern other larger groups of people, so you could also say that this distorted fear may be one’s attitude and interpretation of the decisions of those governing groups of people (Cough, conspiracy theorists, cough, cough). I don’t think I need to go into further detail here, but this is a definite point to ponder during this moon.

Besides the activity in Leo and Aquarius, there is also a lot of concentrated energy in Taurus, which changes the opposition of Leo and Aquarius into a challenging aspect pattern called a fixed sign T-Square. Currently, Mars, Uranus, and the North Node of the Moon are in Taurus and are forming challenging interactions with the moon, Saturn, and the sun. To summarize, you may be feeling a lot of pressure internally, specifically when it comes to unaddressed emotional fears having to do with groups versus the autonomy of the self and all things related to a strong ego. This is compounded by the possible desire for tradition (Taurus), or at least being able to count on something that has traditionally worked in the past. These three fixed signs usually interact in challenging ways, and the essence of this conflict is that each direction is so set in its ways that it is hard to compromise or change when necessary and conducive to growth. So if you’re feeling torn about which way to go or how to proceed because, well, change is hard, then you are picking up on the ambient energy in the air. All of this makes for an intense period right now, and all of this is compounded by Venus moving into Leo, telling us you may also currently have the desire to stand in the spotlight or at least get credit for what you have done. Remember, though, that if you want something different, you have to do and be something different.

The good news is that we are not powerless under these influences, for there is also something positive happening, and this can be maximized if we carpe diem. In addition to the fixed sign influences discussed above, there are also two planets in the cardinal fire sign of Aries; Jupiter and Chiron, both retrograde. Right now, the planets in Aries are interacting well with both Aquarius and Leo, and because of this, you can take some of the internal pressure off of yourself by pioneering ahead in your own healing. This may also include working with prosperity thinking and principles, and if not this, then working with spiritual themes and integrating them into daily life.

To summarize, yes, it may feel like the old is dying and fading away, but if you work with this to the best of your abilities, you may find that what is being shed is that which you’ve outgrown, and now you can shoot forward from the crystallization like a seed turning into a stalk. This is no longer the time of incubation or pre-planning of any kind, but rather this is the time of sprouting, growing, manifestation, and putting in the work.

Are you ready to burst forth from your chrysalis? Now is the time, and I think we are in agreement when I say that the world at large needs this right now. After all, we’re all on this rock hurtling through space together (Aquarius), and through optimism, creativity, leadership, and a healthy ego (Leo), we can make this journey good for all.


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