Happy Full Moon!


Today we have the full moon, with the sun in Libra and the moon in Aries in the tropical zodiac. This is a surprisingly complex full moon, so let’s dive deep. Those of you who follow my daily horoscopes on various social media platforms have noticed repeating patterns currently occurring, and this is due to the slowness with which outer planets move. Let’s break things down. Currently we have a cardinal sign Grand Cross aspect pattern in effect. This is occurring between the sun in Libra, Mars in Cancer, Pluto in Capricorn, and the sun conjunct Chiron retrograde in Aries. Chiron and Pluto move slowly, so these two will be in effect for a while yet, and have been for a while now, too. The sun and Mars move faster than both, but Mars still moves slowly in context of the sun, us, and other planets. I point all of this out because the stressors that have been present for a bit will continue to play out over the next several days. A Grand Cross aspect pattern is one where challenges, problems, and tensions may be present in those life areas. This is what we will focus on here-the life areas that are currently impacted.

Let’s start with the sun in Libra. Libra is the sign of healthy relationships of all kinds, and also justice. This is in opposition to, which creates a tension, the moon conjunct Chiron retrograde in Aries. This tells us that right now, many people may be experiencing insecurities that are inhibiting their ability to get along with others. This means internal issues are interfering with getting along with others.

Besides this opposition, the sun is also forming a challenging but opportunistic square to Mars in Cancer. Cancer is the sign of the family and home life, so when this aspect is present, it tells us there may be challenges present having to do with harmonizing the home life and immediate family with getting along with others. A way to look at this is that there may be family issues or problems on the homefront that are acting as distractions with getting along with others. This oppositional axis (sun-moon) is also squaring Mars in Cancer, which means that insecurities (Chiron and the moon in Aries) are preventing healing and resolution on the homefront, as well as with others. What we’ve been discussing so far has been personal in nature, and that is where Pluto comes in.

Pluto is in Capricorn right now and, as many people know, is getting ready to move into Aquarius. This move happens on November 20th, 2024, and until then, a major theme is that of changes in society, long-standing institutions, long-standing social structures, and ending outdated concepts, ideas, and behaviors. Its placement is forming an opposition to Mars in Cancer, which is only going to get more intense over the next month. This tension is the main one society is seeing right now-the conflict between the old and the new. Part of this also has to do with the conflict between the family life and career. I see this a lot in that many people can’t dedicate healthy amounts of time to their family because they have to work multiple jobs to make ends meet due to the trash economy we have. If the economy was actually healthy (I.e., making enough from ONE job to provide for yourself and maybe even your family), more people and families could dedicate more time to their immediate loved ones. Novel concept, I know. Pluto in Capricorn is forming a square to the sun in Libra and the moon Chiron conjunction in Aries. This can best be summarized by a pop culture phrase I see a lot. To paraphrase, all of the ignorant people have all the courage, while all the intelligent people lack it. I don’t see that as true, but I do understand the point, which is that sometimes all that is stopping us from succeeding is ourselves. I don’t see this idea as true because I know many intelligent people who have courage. Their problem is usually that the rest of society isn’t ready to hear what they have to say, or what they have to share with the world would take money and power away from people who unhealthily hoard it to the detriment of the rest of us. And, let’s not forget the fact that it’s hard to focus on how you get along with others when you are focused on survival.

Not part of this aspect pattern, but worth mentioning is that the sign Pisces is playing an influential role right now, too. Neptune and Saturn are moving through the sign of the visionary, and both of those planets have a historical reputation as being malefics. Saturn is the planet of restriction, and sometimes Neptune can be the planet of delusion. Pisces is the most psychic sign of the zodiac, as well as one of the most visionary, so when you put these ingredients together, you see that right now spiritual people are having a very hard time of it. Some of this is their own doing, but a lot of it is not. If you look at society as a whole, you see a lack of spirituality. Part of this is due to the fact that there has been so much spiritual growth this century, so it only makes sense the energies will balance out. While Saturn is restricting spiritual and progressive themes, Neptune is revealing where delusions have been present, and therefore illuminates where we need to focus our attention to heal and grow as a species. Saturn moving through Pisces is also forcing those same spiritually focused people to bring practicality and maturity to their beliefs and practices in daily life, so Saturn moving through Pisces is not all bad, even though it may feel like it sometimes. The positive side of Neptune moving through Pisces is that new, better ideas, spiritual and not, are there for discovery and development.

So, in a lot of ways, if it feels like you are besieged on all fronts, its because you (And I) are. It’s not all doom and gloom, though, because right now, the way out is through courage and unity. Whenever a cardinal Grand Cross or T-Square aspect pattern (the less intense version) is present, it tells us having faith is the way to proceed. Where you place your faith is up to you though, which is where the challenge lies. I can’t help you answer that, you have to answer it for yourself, and in so doing, you elevate and mature your spirituality and personal growth.

Tough times, I know, but all of this will be behind us in a few months. Now is the time to overcome our inner issues so that we can help everyone.  This has been going on for quite sometime now, but this full moon is the pinnacle, so if you can handle these tough times, simply know there is a dawn on the horizon, and its beauty will be determined by how we act right now.


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