Happy Full Moon Aries!

Today we have the full moon in Aries, the first full moon of the new energetic year, and if this is any indicator of what we can expect for the next lunar cycle, we can tell that its going to be quite a busy month. There’s a lot occurring, astrologically speaking, so let’s dive right in.

To begin with, there are a few retrogrades to note: Saturn, Venus, Jupiter and Mercury. This may seem like an intense time, and for sure it is, but with these retrogrades it is wise to go within and to make the appropriate changes. This may specifically focus on lessons, karma, long term growth, money, love, communication, and adaptability, so when things from the past crop up dealing with those life areas, it is wise to revisit the situation and to make the proper adjustments.

What we have helping us is a subtle aspect pattern called the “Finger of Fate.” This is occurring between Chiron and Venus in Pisces, Mars in Taurus, and the Jupiter Moon conjunction in Libra. What this tells us is that at this moment, our wishes, hopes, and aspirations play a larger than average role, and that if you put things into energetic motion, they manifest in unique and positive ways. To activate this pattern, it is wise to focus on Jupiter in Libra, which means that the way to unlock the potential for growth is through your person to person relationships.

However, in addition to this, there is a tense and challenging T-Square occurring in cardinal signs, happening between Jupiter and the Moon in Libra, Pluto in Capricorn, and the Uranus Sun conjunction in Aries. In short, this is where a lot of the tension on the planet is coming from right now, as situations are being agitated in the name of change, which of course is causing friction, and thus we are at the next stage’s growing pains in the development of the species.

So what does all of this mean? In short, yes, things are agitated right now, but that’s not a bad thing, as we find that this is the kind of agitation that precedes a new birth. This doesn’t make it any less rough, but rather it serves to remind us that there is no such thing as a painless birth. However, if we focus on our personal connections, and transform where and how appropriate, we can find a lot of potential for growth. This is not the starting point though, but rather this is the “cleaning before you begin” time.

So, to brings things to resolution, my new book with Immanion Press comes out Wednesday the 12th, and many more projects are going to be announced and released in the next few weeks, so stay tuned for more information.

As we move through this intense time of transition, let us all be blessed with the clarity of light and wisdom, supported by good health and prosperity.


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