Happy Full Moon Eclipse!


Just a few hours ago, we had the full moon, which was also a solar eclipse, with the sun in Aries and the moon in Libra. Occurring at five degrees Libra/Aries, this sets the stage for not only the new astrological year but also the first eclipse season of the calendar year. This one will be followed up by the much-vaulted solar eclipse coming up on April 8th in Aries. At the moment, no substantial planets are retrograde either, but by the time of the eclipse on April 8th, Mercury will have retrograded, heralding this new cycle, too. What occurs during this eclipse will take a number of months to resolve and will most likely manifest internally rather than externally. This eclipse is happening in the south node of the moon and is thus a chance to clean up karma and address situations that need it. In contrast, the eclipse on April 8th will manifest externally rather than internally, will take the better part of a year to play out, and will occur in the south node of the moon, meaning it will be a good time to create forward motion and progress. Yes, Mercury retrograde will be happening then, but the cleanup called for is all in the name of filling in any cracks in your foundation for your upcoming goals and projects.

Today’s full moon eclipse is all about getting along with people in the name of creating new paths forward for the 2024 calendar year. The moon in Libra tells us this is a time for developing inner harmony. However, it is also a good time for being a diplomat, peacemaker, and networker. This placement is outweighed by the four chart points in Aries right now, which sit adjacent to four chart points in Pisces, too. In short, yes, it is time to work with the moon in Libra traits, as long as you keep in mind that making no choice is the same as making a choice. Working with people, as mentioned above, is a good way to proceed, specifically when it comes to how you resolve some things in your life and how you begin others. The Libra moon is trine Pluto in Aquarius, telling us you may find inspiration is flowing freely, or perhaps you spend too much time in your head, working to your detriment. Another way this may play out is the warning that if you spend too much time with friends, it may suck your time away from things that have more profound impacts on your life.

As discussed in my newsletter, this is a time of being at the crossroads from last year to this one, and in the case of this eclipse, the energy favors shedding the old to make way for the new. This is worth mentioning because it gives us the warning that if you choose not to address these themes, you may find your lack of decision has immediate repercussions, which will show themselves during the upcoming April Mercury retrograde, lasting from March 31st until April 26th, and happening in Aries. Thus you can see that the emphasis is on cleaning up the past and moving into the future through working with others. And what you don’t address will be brought to your attention in April. It is a fool’s errand to think that there is nothing from the past to address, so I encourage you to avoid that pitfall of thinking.

So, what about this eclipse? Above is given the context, so now let’s focus on the details. Right now, Chiron, the planet of wounds and the wounded healer is continuing through Aries, conjunct the North Node of the Moon. These two constitute half of the emphasis on Aries right now, and this combination tells us that now is the time to identify your wounds, figure out a healing path, and be mindful that your wounds are your responsibilities, which extend to how they affect others. Through identifying and healing wounds, you put yourself in a position to create spiritual and personal growth for the upcoming year.

Saturn and Venus are conjunct in Pisces at the moment, and they are having an under-the-radar impact on events at the moment. Saturn is the planet of maturity, restriction, and time, and Venus is the planet of creativity, love, money, and sensuality, so when the two come together, they reveal two important things. First, it tells us that there may be restrictions when it comes to the Venusian traits just mentioned. However, secondly, this tells us now is a time to mature when it comes to those Venusian traits, as well as personal growth and spirituality. Funny enough, I have been thinking along these lines lately, contemplating the lack of forgiveness, compassion, and the finer emotional arts in the world today. This aspect does not happen in a vacuum though, and the way it ties into two other aspects is subtle yet strong.

The Saturn-Venus conjunction is forming a gently flowing sextile to the Uranus and Jupiter conjunction in Taurus. This tells us that the more you work with things you have rather than focusing on what you don’t have, you will find physical world success. This also tells us that the more you mature in the ways of Venus, the more you are putting yourself in a position to achieve everyday success. The same Saturn-Venus conjunction in Pisces is forming a minor aspect called a semi-sextile to the previously discussed Chiron-North Node of the Moon conjunction in Aries. A semi-sextile tells us that minor adjustments should be made in order to achieve personal and spiritual growth. The adjustments to make are those that have to do with how you handle your emotions as well as where you are, spiritually speaking. Knowing where you are on your path and what to do next are two key ideas to contemplate today and tomorrow.

You can see that this eclipse is quite complex and is far deeper than what you will see on pop culture websites. I mention this because one of the traits of Aries is being bold and direct, and now is the time to embrace one or both of those qualities. A good way to look at this is that if you look around for a leader or a wise person and you don’t see one, then now is the time to become one. Through personal growth and wise choices, you can put yourself in a position for future, large growth the rest of the calendar year.




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