Happy Full Moon Virgo!

Greetings! Today we have the full moon in the mutable earth sign of Virgo. If you’re feeling off, or more creative than normal, that is because yesterday Mercury went direct, today the Moon is conjunct Neptune, and there is currently a lot of astrological tension in the air. However, this is what has been discussed a lot over the last month or so, and has to do with the fallout from the total solar eclipse that happened in late August, so in short, this is the first piece of manifestation after such an auspicious event.

Virgo corresponds to the day to day workplace, government, and health, so you may find your attention and focus in drawn more to those topics than usual, so it would be wise to address whatever comes up that has to do with them. There is a big, pressurizing aspect pattern in the sky right now, and it is bringing pressure to bear in the name of growth, maturity, and progress, so while it may feel intense, it will only be made worse by focusing on the emotional attachments you may have to things that have come up to address.

We are also fully into harvest season, which tells us that now is the time to count your blessings and to focus on not only what you have, but also whether or not it is enough to get you through the next few months. This is a time of gratitude and to focus on the loved ones you are surrounded by. Energetically, we are at the halfway point, which means that we stand at the peak of the energetic year that began in March. I mention this because it means that big change is coming, and that adaptation is the way to achieve success. Virgo energy excels at adaptation, and because of this, if you adjust your energetic antenna, you may find that you can make a lot of progress overall.

So, what are your blessings? Even in the midst of the big changes being triggered by the eclipse, what do you take stock in, and what do you appreciate? After all, taking things for granted is the fastest way to have them taken from you.

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