Happy Full Moon Pisces!


In a few hours we will have the full moon in Pisces, with the moon being in Virgo. For those of you that have been feeling like something is different or odd in the cosmos, let me confirm your suspicions. Currently, and for the last few days, we have had a lot of planets moving through the sign of Pisces. For Pisces, this has generally been a good thing, unless they have problems with emotions. However, for the majority of people, this has been a time of extreme emotional reactions to things, as well as some feeling that things are out of control in some way. Others have told me they have been having odd supernatural experiences. This has been going on for about a week now and will continue for the next week or so in this intense way before it quiets down around spring equinox, just in time for the Mercury retrograde to begin.

However, today the full moon is occurring in Virgo. Virgo is the opposite sign of Pisces, and thus there is a lot of tension that has been brought to bear on this major focus on all things related to Pisces. While Pisces is very intuitive, emotional, psychic, and visionary, Virgo is grounded, analytical, down to earth, and practical. With this full moon, the attention has been placed on recognizing we have all of those Piscean traits, but also what can we do about them? This is an excellent time to assess what you’re doing emotionally and spiritually, for it is the time to make changes to prepare for the upcoming new energetic year that begins at equinox in the northern hemisphere.

Regardless of where on the planet you are though, the analytical and grounded approaches to these topics are currently being highlighted. Part of the message of this full moon has to do with taking control of one’s life, and therefore personal responsibility is highlighted. We are 100% responsible for our own reactions to things, a point that is wise to work with during the next couple of weeks. Learning to ground and put up energetic boundaries when necessary are two skills to cultivate. In addition to these though, it is also wise to focus on hard work on a day to day level. In some ways, this is the perfect time to get the lead out, especially if your work entails your spiritual path. Internally, this is the time to draw the line in the proverbial sand and to reign in those strong emotions. This is the time to use critical thinking in order to sift through the messages we are receiving from the universe and society around us. Part of what we may notice is that it is no longer feasible to play the card of the victim, but rather now is the time to play the card of the victor. As the fantastic poem reminds us, “I am the captain of my soul.”

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