Happy Full Moon Leo/Lunar Eclipse!


Today we have the notorious blood moon lunar eclipse of 2018, mwahahahahahaha! This event includes such prestigious accomplices as Mercury that went retrograde just a few hours ago! Later on it will be joined by a total of eight planets in retrograde for your August pleasure! Extravagant! Opulent! Intimidating! Once-in-a-lifetime-ooohh-ing! Hell, even the Moon of the century! Come get your sensationalism here folks, right on the Internet! Not available in the streets! Some restrictions may apply. See your night sky for details. Offer not valid for 80% of the planet.

Okay… Now that I have your attention, let’s really talk about this over-hyped eclipse. Yes, it should be hyped because it is fairly rare that Mercury goes direct at the time of a full moon, let alone a lunar eclipse, so yeah, that is worth noting. But otherwise? Well, a lot of bollox really, but with a kernel of truth, so let’s cut to the chase. This full moon lunar eclipse begins the hype to the real retrograde season, so let’s focus on that, shall we?

From August  5th until August 19th, eight chart points are going to be retrograde. These are: Mercury, Chiron, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and the North Node of the Moon. What that means is that for a good solid two-week block, the emphasis is on you. No one else, you. Part of this is the realization of personal responsibility and suffering that is chosen to be endured, while part of this also has to do with realizing the karmic principle of cause and effect. However, what should also be brought into the equation is the lesson of personal healing, growth, and change. This fortnight reminds us of the Hermetic Axiom “As Within, So Without.” This tells us there is nothing to fear with the upcoming retrograde season. All one has to do is look inward and do the growth necessary. Pretty simple, really. Do. The. Work. There is no savior coming to save you or me, we have to save ourselves. And in this lion’s gate moment, it is time to decide how to act once these retrogrades humble us to see ourselves, our consequences, and our wounds in clear light. It’s time for the rubber to meet the road, put up or shut up. I’m not drawing the line in the sand, the cosmos is, and if you don’t believe me, tell me that September 1st.

Having said all that, let’s rock! Remember that existence is pure joy, the map is not the territory, and the joy is in the journey, not necessarily the destination. With this kind of personal focus for August, let’s keep in mind that we can either approach this opportunity for work from a fear-based dreading it perspective, or we can embrace it, masochistic as that might be for some people, and embrace the experience. Of course this also introduces us to the esoteric lesson of deriving pleasure from pain, but that is another story, perhaps for some other Scorpionic time.

I hope all of this helps to take the edge off of the propaganda and hoopla that is currently floating out there. Yes, this is momentus and we should enjoy it, but it’s not as crazy over the top as it seems. The real one, which no one is talking about, is the eclipse coming up in mid-August. Why, you ask? That eclipse is happening around the North Pole, which is where the constellation Draco is located, and thus will have the eclipse of the dragon or the swallowing of the dragon by the dragon, if you will, and while I don’t know what to expect from that one, I can only tell you that historically and factually speaking, whenever Draco is involved in something celestial like this, it is powerful, inspiring, and transformative for the whole species, usually, but don’t hold me to that last part though, because this doesn’t happen often. While this is going to be a crazy cool eclipse, the one in August is going to be a beast of a different skin. Do your work, evolve, and I’ll see you when this is done.


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