Happy Full Moon Aries!


Today we have the first full moon of the new year. While the Sun is in Aries, the Moon is in Libra, it’s opposite sign, which gives us the full moon. From a technical perspective, we have an opportunistic but challenging aspect pattern called a “T-Square” occurring between the Moon in Libra, the Sun, Mercury retrograde, both happening in Aries, and the Saturn, Mars, Pluto blend in Capricorn that is currently happening. While this is an aspect pattern that applies pressure, it also represents an influx from the spirit world. During Mercury retrograde periods, it is also wise to go within via self-reflection, meditation, or simply to obtain personal gnosis, so you can see how now is the perfect time to reflect on where we are.

But, because this is Aries and Libra we’re talking about, we should also keep their characteristics in mind. Aries is the pioneering individual that takes care of the self, while Libra is it’s opposite. Libra is about relationships, while Aries is about the self. Keep in mind these are broad, swathing terms, and this is intentional but not deceitful. When you have a full moon like this here, it tells us that now is a good time to go within and to reflect on what is working and what isn’t when it comes to personal relationships.

After this is realized though, a course of action should be drawn up, ready to be implemented as soon as Mercury goes direct on April 15th. This specific time is the time of reflection and planning, and when the waning moon phase starts in a day or two, it will be a good time to make space in your life for the changes you are deciding to take. It’s only after we clear some things out that we provide space for new things to come in; so why don’t we prepare the space proactively?

And this leads me to my final point: you. Yes, you. If you think about all of this, what it means is that you should listen to yourself. You should become your own guru during this time. What guidance do you need to hear from you? After all, you are the only one that knows your full journey. Your intuition will tell you whether your reflections are correct or not, and once you uncover this information, it is time to move on to making room in your life to address the desired changes. Then of course, after Mercury stations direct, implementation is the name of the game.

Esoteric astrology considers the first three full moons of the zodiacal year to be critical to how the rest of the year plays out. On one hand that means paying attention to what’s happening in the world around us to get a feel for how things are going to go, and also, by proactively working with the energies of these first three full moons, we set the tone for the entire upcoming year that just started.


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