Happy Full Moon Gemini!


Today we have the full moon in Gemini, and in esoteric astrology this is known as the “Festival of Humanity.” This is a time where beings from all places come together in Shamballah to celebrate the accomplishments of the human species. This is a time of festival and carnival, with joyous revery in honor of what we have done. This is the third in the series of the full moons that have occurred since Spring Equinox, occurring after Wesak, which I wrote about on Medium: Wesak

But, let’s look at the world around us. I’m pretty sure the negative ninnies and cynics would draw our attention to it anyway, so let’s proactively go there. We live in a world of division, fear, and pain. Whether we actively look for it or not, we are inundated with the media through almost all facets of our day to day life. We live in a society where it is largely a choice to be ignorant, and almost instantaneous communication can happen globally at any time. Thin-skinned and shallow people are common, and some could even say we are slowly killing the planet. Yes, all of these are true, and all of these things tell us we still have quite a ways to go in our work to promote love, unity, and peace. BUT…

I kind of like my indoor plumbing. Really, I’m a fan of central air conditioning, too. I like electricity, but of course would prefer Tesla’s work. I can appreciate fine architecture that inspires and uplifts the spirit. Reading, and therefore literacy is also pretty amazing. I also enjoy technology and the fact that conflicts between nations are not as bad as they have been in the past. Consider the fact that approximately 60,000 American soldiers died over the course of the Viet Nam war, whereas in one single battle, Alexander the Great had 50,000 men against a 60,000 army opponent! And again I emphasize, one battle, let alone a whole campaign! I also enjoy the fact that society has evolved to the point where more and more people are focusing on their spiritual and personal growth because their needs are being met. It’s also fantastic that more and more social causes are being addressed, such as institutionalized racism, slavery and trafficking of all kinds, specifically women and children, and racism is being confronted. These are just three examples of things that have not been faced or dealt with in a long time, if ever! If we were still concerned with the affairs of our ancient ancestors, focusing on much of this wouldn’t be a possibility!

So yeah, I think there’s a LOT to be celebrated! And if those still aren’t enough things to celebrate, then let’s just celebrate love! And if you can’t do that, then remember what I said above about willful ignorances. Resources are more widely available now than they ever have been, so there is more healing occurring, and more development. Yes, this is also triggering where we’re at now because things are coming to a tipping point in some way or another. I am just optimistic enough to believe that love is the law, and will conquer what is occurring in the world now. But that my friends, is for tomorrow. Tonight, let us celebrate our accomplishments with beings throughout the multiverse, but let us not forget that tomorrow is back to work.


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