Happy Full Moon Taurus!

Today we have the full moon in Taurus. This occurs when the Moon is in the opposite sign, and in this case, it is in Scorpio. There’s a lot of emphasis on different facets of this full moon, particularly the fact that it is Wesak, and it is whatever the hell a pink full moon means. You all know I’m straight to the point, so let’s look at this full moon. The first thing to note is that yes, both of those points are true. However, there are a couple of minor things that are not being discussed, which I will address here. The reason for this is because these are two other pieces of the puzzle that fill in a lot of gaps. The first piece of knowledge to know is that Chiron just entered Aries. It has been in the latter degrees of Pisces for over a year now, but now it has begun its journey into Aries. This is why things have been so emotionally whacked over the last couple of years. In addition to that, point two is that the North Node of the Moon is in Leo, and it forms a T-Square Sun-Moon opposition that I started this blog post talking about. This tells us that one of the hidden lessons this full moon brings is that of self-reflection. Who are you? But, more importantly, where are you going? This is the time to figure that out. Don’t worry if you don’t have the answer right now, that’s okay because this will be a reoccurring theme for the rest of the year. In my opinion, the most pressing thing to do is just to sit back and figure it out.

Uranus is also getting ready to move into Taurus, so we have the unexpected becoming the norm. Later in the year, this theme will change to rebelling against yourself, but that is a little later. For now, it is enough to note that this is another piece of the puzzle to consider. It sounds like a lot, doesn’t it? Well, not really. I mean, it is, but a lot of this has been playing out over the course of the last twelve months at least, so if you’ve been handling that, you got this. Yes, things are especially tense right now, but this too shall pass. This is the time to go within and figure out who you are and where you’re going. But, there’s no time limit, so you have your time to self-discover. This little grace period of time will last until the early part of next year at least, so you have plenty of time. Remember though, that “too much patience is not enough courage,” to quote the author Dion Fortune.

Practically speaking, this is a time of self-reflection, cohesion, and formulation. now is the time to decide how you want the next seven years to go. This is one of the critical moments in history when voices matter. The Pluto return of the USA in on the horizon, and because of spiritual development in the last fifty years, we are very, very close to critical mass. This is THE opportunity to propel ourselves forward by digging down deep and aligning ourselves with our higher selves. Focus and formulation are two major concepts to consider during this full moon. What is helpful to know is that this is the perfect time to seek guidance from the inner planes, particularly when it comes to wisdom. Because of that, you may find it wise to take some time tonight to reflect, introspect, and formulate tonight before bed, or perhaps as an early morning meditation. This window of opportunity also extends to Monday night as well, so if you can’t make Sunday night, you also have the option of Monday night. Who are you? Where are you going? What are you willing to give to get there? These are examples of some of the themes of the season, so as you look forward to this year it would be wise to remember that what you’re contemplating now will sow the seeds for the upcoming year. Choose wisely.


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