Happy Full Moon Scorpio!


Today we have the full moon in Scorpio, and actually, it was exact a few minutes ago! This is a very intense time, as we find the Sun, Venus, Mercury, and Jupiter, all in the fixed water sign of Scorpio. While the square to Mars in Aquarius is firing things up, the sextile to Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn is softening things from how intense they could be. With all of this emphasis on Scorpio though, the picture is pretty clear, or rather it’s not, which speaks volumes.

Scorpio is the sign of the occult, transformation, and death, but also of shared resources, so cooperatively producing more than can be accomplished alone. Yes, the emphasis right now is on dealing with the shadow, individually and collectively, but now is also the time to see who you can work with, and for what reason. As much as transformation is powerful right now, so too is controlled direction and focus in one’s overall life direction. Now is the time for proactivity.

Scorpio energy is dark, serpentine, and likes to explore the darker side of life. Keep this into perspective though, because while you, yourself, may not have an interest in that, there are plenty of people out there that do, and you will most likely be interacting with them. What this means is that now the darkness is being made visible. This is happening because it is time to resolve some things that lurk there.

In some ways, this is the perfect period to finish up the transformation that has been happening for approximately the last two years. Why that time period, you ask? It is approximately every two years that Venus goes direct, and Venus corresponds to love, beauty, art, creativity, passion, possessiveness, money, and goddess energy in general. She descends via retrograde to go to our artistic and heart depths, to draw our attention to what our heart needs, and at this time, it is the exploration of passions. The passion shadow is strong now and is entirely subjective to each individual person.

During this full moon, it is wise to face your darkness, specifically the passions that lurk there, make peace with them, healing them, and then by extension to see who your friends and allies are, forming cohesive and strong bonds to navigate what is coming up in the next few years.


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