Happy Full Moon Aries!

Today we have the Full Moon Aries, with the Moon in Libra. What makes this moon special is that it is also the solar ingress into Aries, making this the Spring or Vernal Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and Autumn Equinox in the southern. And, just because that wasn’t enough, this is also a super moon! And, during a Mercury retrograde! Talk about a lot occurring!

Equinoxes happen twice a year, and each one is a time of profound balancing. Spring Equinox is also the beginning of the new year from an energetic perspective. Aries is a sign of the self, and Libra is a sign of the other in relationship to the self. Aries energy places the emphasis on the individual and Libra energy places the emphasis on the relationship between the self and the other. Opposites in astrology, they emphasize the necessity of finding harmony between exclusively focusing on the self or exclusively focusing on the other.

The key word here is “exclusively.” This is a rampant problem in the developed world today, as more and more people are becoming polarized. I have mentioned this a few times before, but what strikes me about this is that each time I think it can’t get taken to new heights, it does, much to my surprise! Absolutism, which is the root of fascism, is found everywhere, regardless of the subject. It seems that more and more people are choosing to believe that reality and life are black and white when the wise person knows that everything is a sliding scale of grey. As a matter of fact, absolutes are rare, but there are millions if not billions of people that seek absolute solutions when middle of the road solutions can be applied.

I share all of this here because today, and again with the equinox in six months, we are all in a position to shed the chains of absolutism that permeate our thought processes and behaviors. Remembering that life is a sliding scale of grey serves to help us seek middle of the road solutions to so many things. While I’m sure some of you are seeing this from the perspective of applying to the self vs the outside world, the true gem is that this applies to internal dialogue as well. Where are your absolutes, and are they really worth your emotional investments? Many times they’re not, but yes, there are sometimes they are, and just this concept alone highlights what we’re discussing here.

The Mercury and Neptune activity in Pisces, coupled with Chiron at the beginning of Aries and Uranus ingressing into Taurus tells us that a lot of the absolutism we see within ourselves and our behavior with the outside world is being brought to light so that we can transcend as a species. In other words, it may be time to let some absolute beliefs and perspectives you have go into the abyss. Before we can do that though, we first have to recognize our own thoughts and exhibit the courage it takes to de-radicalize ourselves to become better quality active participants in the world around us, for no person is an island. We’re all on this rock together and maybe when we put that into practice, we can explore the inner and outer mysteries together, and reveal deeper levels of understanding and gnosis.

This is also International Astrology Day, and the beginning of the new year for Thelema, so while you’re doing the processing above, don’t forget self-love, and feast!

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