Happy Full Moon Aries!


Today we have the full moon in Aries, with the moon itself in the opposite sign of Libra. As many of you know, at their essences, Aries is the sign of the self and Libra is the sign of the other, and the relationship between the self and the other. I’m really not going to be addressing that here because so many others are, and this is pretty basic astrology knowledge. Rather, I want to focus my attention on the greater picture we have before us at this time.

In addition to the Sun and Moon opposition that make up the full moon, we also have an overall aspect pattern called a “T-Square” in the sky. It looks like a ‘T,’ with the Sun and Moon forming two of the points. The third point is the current Saturn and Pluto conjunction in Capricorn, another cardinal sign, just like Aries and Libra. When this aspect pattern is present, it brings tension energy into the situation, forming a kind of pressure. I like to think of it as a pressure cooker. What this means is that right now we are undergoing a lot of pressure and stressors, and the point of all of this is to force us to adapt. In this way, a T-Square is alchemical. Now is the time to turn the lead in certain areas of our lives into gold.

What makes this particular T-Square interesting though, is a minor detail not a lot of people consider. Whenever you have a T-Square in cardinal signs, like these, one of the best ways to work with it is to be open to receive an influx from Spirit. What this translates to is that now is the time to invite your beliefs into your life in greater depth and detail. Now is the time to further develop spiritually, and to make that your primary goal so that you can assist lifting others up. Venus and Jupiter are currently forming gentle aspects to the Sun, Moon, Saturn, and Pluto, and both are powerfully located in particular signs. This tells us that if we do stay spiritually oriented and focused on personal development, we may find our success is bigger than anticipated. However, what all of this calls for, is faith. Whether it is faith in the self or faith in spiritual beings is entirely up to you. It’s simply time to work with the concept of faith as it applies to improving your life.

Letting go of emotional patterns and spiritual beliefs that no longer serve you are two major ways you can begin to put forth the necessary effort to achieve success. A major theme for this full moon, and really the entire year, is that of bringing some things to a close, while inviting new things into your life. Next year will be the year to forge ahead in a bolder fashion. This year its cleanup and transition, and this full moon sets everything off, especially considering Pluto is stationing, getting ready to retrograde, and following in its wake next week will be Saturn. As you now know, both are involved in the T-Square, so you may find that the rest of the month is one full of pressure, changes, and faith.


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