Happy Full Moon Cancer!

Today we have the Full Moon in Cancer, with the moon itself in Capricorn, and on top of that, it is a lunar eclipse, meaning the results of this eclipse will be internal in nature, so now is the time to watch for internal changes over the next several weeks. A major focus of this will be on security and integration into society, both of these balanced with personal autonomy and responsibility. Mentally speaking, this is a time of opening up to the positive and the spiritual, rather than getting mentally stuck in the current woes of society. To address this end, allow me to give you an example that highlights the common problem in society at large today. While it is predominantly a problem of the USA, we are also seeing similar problems in other countries. 

The last three weeks, almost to the day, I have posted aggressive and confrontational statements on Facebook. They have been mocking many things that, quite frankly, should be mocked. I don’t think anyone picked up on the pattern simply because no one told me they saw it, so that’s a big miss right there. It reveals that people are so hyperfocused they are losing sight of larger and longer cycles and patterns that are occurring around them, and since they’re oblivious to them, then they have fallen victim to them. This social experiment has revealed to me several important lessons, the first of which I just mentioned. 

Another powerful observation I got out of this is that of the “likes.” These posts have received more interest than nicer, more standard posts I post on a regular basis. What this tells me, logically speaking, is that people are looking for arguments and fights, by and large, on average, at least in the society of the USA. On one hand it means that people are simply being human, because it has scientifically proven that we as a species are hard wired to the negative. On the other hand though, it also tells me that any ideas having to do with inclusiveness, looking at the whole, or stepping outside of one’s bubble are long dead in this current environment. Xenophobia, living in one’s bubble, and division are now the norm rather than the exception.

A third observation from this is that people are now defaulting to feeling threatened on average. While to a certain extent this isn’t necessarily new news, it is still important to note when put together with everything else discussed here. Emotions are ruling the day, much to the detriment of the evolution of the species. 

So, how does all of this tie into this full moon eclipse? The astrological opposition that makes this a full moon is occurring between Cancer and Capricorn, security vs non-security, conformity vs nonconformity, emotional warmth vs emotional coldness. Of course there are many other key word concepts that could be applied here, but I think you get the gist. This full moon is an idicator of things to come over the course of the next seventeen months, and the ramifications will last far beyond that. 

All of this begs the question: What is your focus? Is it on living in your own isolated tower, or is it on engaging the greater world at large? Do you fear the other because you don’t understand it, or do you engage the other in the name of learning? Yes, all of this means stepping outside of your comfort zone, which is scary to many people, except the quality magicians and occultists out there. In other words, how are you making the world a better place? What are you doing that engages society? After all, if you are not doing those things, then the mirror will tell you that you are part of the problem. 

This entire Saturn Pluto conjunction in Capricorn is predicated around the transformation of long standing social structures, so if you’re not a part of the process, then the process will happen anyway, and you will get swept away with it, being the victim because of your choice not to engage. I don’t know about you, but I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees. I engage society on a regular basis and I hope you do, too! After all, the future belongs to those that are willing to get their hands dirty, and in this case, this means leaving your little bubble behind in order to learn and to help others grow. Join us, those that are doing this, because we are the future, or at least engaged in the process instead of sitting on the sidelines crying victim.

Harsh truths, I know, but that is the nature of what we are dealing with right now, astrologically speaking. Oh, and did I mention my new book comes out today? A groundbreaking work of astrology, qabalism, and occultism, so if you’re interested, check out “Qliphothic Astrology,” my tenth  book in four years! Don’t worry though, I don’t plan on keeping up that pace for much longer. Other projects are in the planning stage for the next few years. Until next time…

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