Happy Full Moon Taurus!

Later today we have the full moon in Taurus, and the moon itself in the opposite sign of Scorpio. So far, this has been a perplexing one to me. I am seeing all kinds of talk on the Internet about this moon being about emotions, but when you look at it, the only way this full moon has to do with emotions is in encouraging you to release and let go of emotions that inhibit your growth. 

Sorry, pop culture hobbyists, amateurs, and wanna-bes, it’s not really about the emotions, even though they sell to the masses. You can see this is true by the chart of the full moon.

There are four chart points in water, true, but one, Mars, is on the edge of Cancer, so it is as much the air of Gemini as it is the water of Cancer. One other point, Neptune, has been in Pisces for a long time now and generally affects large groups rather than individuals. The other two are the moon, so of course, it matters, and the North Node of the Moon in Cancer, which is secondary or tertiary in its influence. So, um, no, just stop with the crap. We do still read charts, being astrologers, right?! Anyway…

So if this full moon isn’t about emotions like the shallow are trying to sell, what IS it about? That’s easy-it’s about taking care of your physical needs from a mental and spiritual place of health. There are four chart points in Taurus and two in Capricorn, both earth signs, and all of them playing nice with each other. Now is the time to get grounded. Now is the time to get practical. Now is the time to take care of yourself before you can consider taking care of others. I have seen one blogger write that this could be an emotionally cold full moon period, and I can see the logic in that, but if one considers it cold to take care of the self before taking care of others, then they may want to see a therapist.

This full moon time is all about meeting your physical needs-health, money, etc. And well, if others don’t like it, that’s not really your problem, is it? We can expand this look to include your career and/or overall direction in life, coming to us from the Capricorn influence. Now is the time to make the necessary grounded changes that will bring you closer to living a life of thriving and not surviving. This is the sowing season of putting forth your plans for money, career success, and where you intend to be in the near future.

If you’re lost or confused about where to go, you can call on Lord Buddha for guidance and wisdom along your path, since this holy day, Wesak, is his festival. He won’t do the work for you, nor should he, but he can assist you with personal understanding to accomplish what you desire.

If taking care of your needs is already in place, then you can work with the energy of this full moon to release any emotional wounds that are limiting your growth. Letting go of emotional baggage is necessary in order to soar to newer heights, and this is a good time to simply move forward, with the guidance of Buddha if you choose.

Don’t let the “astrologers” mentioned above darken your door with shallow, useless drivel. Do the work. Get the lead out. [Insert overplayed saying here].


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