Happy Full Moon Sagittarius!

Today, or last night, depending on where you are in the world, we had the full moon in Sagittarius, with the moon itself in the opposite sign of mutable Gemini. 

This moon has been much discussed in pop culture due to the fact that to some, it is occurring on 12/12/12 (2+0+1+9=’s 12), while it is also not only the last full moon of the year, but also the last full moon of the decade. Considering that the last several years have been an intense time of shadow work for people, and with the Saturn Pluto activity in Capricorn, it feels comfortable to say that this is a time of great reflection. However, you could also say this is a profound time of soul searching. Sagittarius is the most spiritual sign of the zodiac, while Gemini is the sign of curiosity and variety. Together, these tell us this is the perfect time to not only review what has come before, but to ask yourself who you are now.

First, let’s start with self-reflection. How far have you come over the last decade? What major growth has occurred since 2009/2010? After all, to an average human lifespan, a decade is a long period of time! Some people might be thinking that the last ten years has been full of challenges, and the cynic may even say that nothing good has happened during that time. So, to them I say “Then what does tell you about yourself? What have you learned about yourself, life, the universe, and everything?” 

Regarding the shadow work point, we take a much different tone though. Of your personal demons, which ones have you conquered? When it comes to the demons of society, which ones have you conquered? Have you grown into a better person? Have you shed personally destructive behavior and beliefs? Have you done appropriate confrontation, and enacted proper changes within yourself, and contributed to society at large? Working with and developing the shadow is one of the prominent life and spiritual lessons currently, so by enacting positive growth through facing your demons, you are tapping into part of the energy of the current Kali Yuga. The growth you make now is worth more than what you would make in other Yugas, so while it may be more difficult, it pays off in bigger ways down the road. 

At this time, I encourage you to meditate and contemplate these points, both individually and in context of the greater world at large. It is through this processing that you not only review what you’ve come from, but also prepare for where you are going in the next decade. 


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