Happy Full Moon Pisces!

Today we have the full moon, with the moon in Virgo and the sun in Pisces. In addition, Mercury is stationing, getting ready to direct motion again, so this particular time is going to be as strong from a Mercury retrograde perspective as it has been the last few weeks. Thus, if you thought you were out of the woods with the Mercury retrograde, that’s not true yet.

The big news of this time though is one I have been talking about for months. Over the last several months, due to the heavy Capricorn energy, the theme has been to do the work and put into practice what you believe, bringing your spirituality to life. While yes, this is still true, there is something slightly different to focus on at this specific moment. Yes, doing the work should continue to be a major theme, but now it is all about change. No, not the change you get at the corner shop when you pay for something you bought, but rather the change you bring to the world with your existence and hard work. This is the change that comes from having a spiritual vision unique to you that you implement in day to day life.

On a mundane astrology level, this is a time to watch for major transformation and change in the government sector planet-wide, as well as changes having to do with health. Can you say “coronavirus?” I knew you could. Regardless of how it plays out, people will be changed from this, both individually and en masse. A quick look at what is going on economically tells us that, with the price of oil dropping through the floor, and lots of unnecessary common goods being sold through in large shops in the USA. While yes, these have to do with this extended period of intense transition, it also has to do with an underlying principle that no one is talking about-the introduction of the new.

On a subconscious, deep level, the mass psyche of the human species is sensing something. Many have told me over the last few years that something big is coming, and I and other astrologers have discussed this, giving the time frame of now until 2025 as the window during which it will happen, but what I am pointing out here is something different. Yes, that is true, and when you look at the astrology of that window, you can gain insight and suspicions into what to expect, but collectively, the species is mass-intuitively picking up on something else. Could it be the sense of its own destruction? Could it be the sense of its own ascension? Could it be….ALIENS?! No one knows really, and while astrologers are in the best position to figure it out, even they don’t have all the answers. Yes, they can point you in the direction and give clues based on what they see, but the clarity you may desire may not be theirs to give, simply due to the fact that we live in a free-will zone, which influences everything. Besides, most astrologers look at things in hindsight rather than foresight.

So, what are we as a species picking up on? Those of you that are familiar with channeled material know the answer to this, which is simply to look back at the ages of Atlantis, because therein lies the necessary clues for more information. If you are not familiar with channeled material, or at least good channeled material, then consider the fact that there are cycles in all of life. Nature and life itself are full of seasons and change, and as the author of the biblical book of Ecclesiastes said, “there is nothing new under the sun.” (To paraphrase for brevity). What is new now is not new, but rather has occurred before. What sets this time apart though, is our spiritual vision, and how we bring that into being. Personally I would like to think that each time humanity goes through one of these major cycles we get a little better at handling it and adapting, but that could just be the romantic in me because we still end up with a destroyed civilization, or mass deaths, or major changes on our planet.

Yes, this time period is that intense and profound, but the good news is that as much potential as there is for things to go horribly wrong, there is just as much potential for things to go fantastically right if the majority come together in the name of emphasizing the positive. After all, as science has taught us, in all things, there is a critical mass point, which is only about ten percent of the whole, so it is realistically possible. All it takes is a clear vision, cohesion, clear, focused intent leading to clear visualization, and a strong, community work ethic. Can we do it, or are we too fragmented, living in crumbling ivory towers, drowning in a sea of greed and narcissism? There’s more to this that I could say, but I will leave you with the tease for now that if you want to know that, stay tuned because big changes are coming. The short version is that I will be putting my money where my mouth is. Immediately though, as yourself what you are doing to bring people together and better the world. When you have those answers, do the work and let your results speak for themselves. After all, success is thy proof!

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