Happy Full Moon Aquarius!

Today we have the full moon with the Sun in Aquarius and the Moon in Leo. There are two major points to note with this particular full moon. One happens every year with it, but one is unique to it. The first, common one, is that during this time it is wise to assess how you will internally find the balance between narcissism and being of service. In the current age, more and more people are taking a “me, me, me” attitude, and while that is fine in some ways, it is toxic in others. Yes, you should put the self, first, but if all you focus on is the self, and you never focus on how to be of service to help others, then you are easily controlled, and deserve to be controlled, too. Science has proven what metaphysicians have been saying for thousands of years. You get bigger, better, and stronger results when there is more than one person involved in a project. Hinduism has taught this for centuries, ancient Egyptians knew it, and in the twentieth century, Einstein proved this true scientifically. As they say, a rising tide lifts all ships. If we’re not being of service to others and helping the overall growth of humanity, then we as a species deserve to become extinct.

The second point that is unique to this full moon is something radically different. Venus and Chiron are conjunct in early Aries, and Mars is getting ready to move into Capricorn, meaning it will be setting off a square. With the Sun in Aquarius and the Moon in Leo heightening the energy in the air, and forming minor aspects to this, it tells us that yes, triggering will probably occur. To break it down, Venus and Chiron together show us our wounds that have to do with the things that matter most to us, especially as they have to do with love, creativity, money, and passion, and then Mars comes along and fans the flames as it moves into Capricorn, stoking what might have otherwise been healing. Everyone gets triggered in some way because everyone is wounded. We are all just in varying degrees of healing. It is how we respond and heal that makes the difference between seeing this as a learning and teaching lesson, vs whining like little bitches, preferring our pain because it is such a part of one’s identity. I’ve already seen the whining part in a craptastic article on social media about “fake authors in paganism,” so to some, this has already begun. But to others, like the intelligent ones reading this, it has not occurred, mainly because we choose what we react to, and how we react, which are the two principle themes of this full moon. And remember, that if you don’t deal with these things proactively and sooner rather than later, the Mercury retrograde that begins in eight days and lasts until March tenth, will make you deal with it. 

So, the three takeaways from this full moon? 1) You’re probably going to get triggered, so focus on the reaction, 2) Is your identity wrapped up in your pain and wound, and if so, what are you going to do about it in order to grow?, and 3) How are you being of service to others? Because if you’re not, you pretty much have a fractured, limited spiritual path, which is a large part of the problem with narcissism and its damage on the world today.



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