Happy Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse!

Today, or tomorrow, depending on where you are on the planet, we have the full moon in Cancer, with the Sun in Cancer and the Moon in Capricorn. We also have a lunar eclipse, whose impact will last over approximately the next three months due to the duration of the eclipse. Really it’s going to be slightly less than that, but let’s just say three months to cover our bases. Right now we have the Sun and Mercury, which is retrograde, in the cardinal water sign of Cancer, and the Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto (all three planets retrograde) in the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn, on the other end of the teeter-totter. Whenever there is a full moon, it means there is an energetic tension in the air naturally, so the tension here is between the home, security, one’s roots, traditions, and wrapping up unresolved communications (All Cancer and Mercury retrograde traits) on one hand, and cold emotions, prosperity, mental expansion, karma, foundation, limits, lessons, and maturity, as well as deep-rooted transformation and change on the other (All traits of Capricorn and all the planets therein). The retrograde planets in Capricorn tell us now is the time to review all of those things I just mentioned. I realize all of this is a lot to unpack, so let’s get started. Yes, this going to be a longer than average post.

So first, with the Sun and Mercury retrograde in Cancer, there is an emphasis on the immediate family and the home life. Part of this can be a quest for security, and part of it is a quest for comfort. The Mercury retrograde side of the equation is the “enough is enough” crowd, who are tired of Coronavirus, unequal wealth distribution, tired of racism and all other -isms being discussed on the global news front, and are simply wanting to go back to the comforts and security that were present before a lot of buried ideas like these got thrust into the spotlight. Basically, when you break it down, they’re just emotionally tired. And, let’s face it, I think most everyone is simply tired. But, being the realist I am, let me be the one to say: Tough shit. Nature doesn’t care. Yes, in this case, I am referring to the virus. It doesn’t care if we’re tired. So regarding that subject, the only control we can exercise over our own fatigue is to focus on doing what is intelligent and appropriate to slow or halt it’s spread, regardless of what some pundits and uneducated loudmouths say. This is basic science, so how about we put ourselves in check, huh? Yeah, we’re tired of dealing with this virus, but simply being tired of it is not going to stop it, so it’s pointless to get bent out of shape or worked up over it. I, too, would love to go back to a time of comfort and security, but it’s not happening, at least any time soon. Besides, again, the realist in me remembers the wise saying that oftentimes those golden memories we cling to were not really that golden at all. Their goldenness is an illusion by our minds. So, how do we find comfort and security? By doing what is in a Cancer’s nature-nurture, and in the current times, nurture ourselves and others that have not had it as easy as we have. It’s called compassion, and when I look at the world today, it seems to be in scarce supply. Odd, since the dominant belief system of the planet is the Abrahamic system that is supposedly a compassionate system, but hey, I’m just observing this contradiction. After all, is worth mentioning here because Cancer is the sign of religion, and traditional religions, at that.

Now, on the other end of the spectrum, we find something wildly different, yet in a lot of ways very, very similar. In Capricorn, we find a heavy emphasis on changing traditional systems, institutions, societies, and the structures therein. Capricorn is similar to Cancer in that both have to do with tradition and what is established. But, Capricorn is the energy of the father, whereas Cancer is the energy of the mother. Yes, both are nurturing and necessary to produce healthy growth, but they go about it in different ways and manifest quite differently. In the natural zodiac, Cancer is the 4th house, which is the life area of the home, immediate family, roots, traditions, people from our youth, and religion. Capricorn, in stark contrast, is the occupation, the career, and the overall direction of life. A good way to illustrate the difference between the two can be summarized in this idea: There are two types of parenting techniques when it comes to being careful around fire. One technique is to tell the child not to touch the fire, and if they do (for whatever reason), then soothe their emotions afterward while they bandage the wound. The other parenting technique is to still tell the child not to touch the fire, but if the child does anyway (for whatever reason), then they say something to the effect of ‘that will teach you,’ or ‘I bet you won’t do that again,’ while bandaging the wound. You can see how one way is highly sensitive and compassionate, while the other is colder. But, both are effective techniques when used in moderation. Cancer reflects the first approach, while Capricorn reflects the second. Anyway…

For many years now, astrologers have been discussing all of this activity in Capricorn, as Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto have been moving through this sign for many years, so if you want to know more about this, the information is out there and available to the curious mind. The main emphasis of all of this (which started in 2008 EV-Occupy Wall Street, anyone?) is on changing society because long-standing approaches and techniques are no longer working. And bluntly, after this year, if you think they are, please get an education, because they are not. Ask almost anyone that is socially aware. They will tell you that, and that is usually based on life experiences. With Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter all retrograde right now, it is time to look within, not just within ourselves, but also within social structures, and see where they need to be changed, and how we can help change them. This last part is the sticky part though, as not everyone can contribute to the changes in society in the same way because we all have different skills, gifts, and abilities. There is no “one-size-fits-all” answer to how one contributes to the changes in society. To think there is shows fascist thinking, but that is a conversation for another time. What makes all of this Capricorn influence challenging is that generally Capricorn energy is known for being emotionally cold and distant, in stark contrast to Cancer energy, which is generally very warm and emotive. The key to navigating any full moon is to find the middle ground in the middle. Rather than desiring to go back to comfort and security that no longer exists (did it really, ever exist?), it is time to create new comfort and security. But, in order to do this, it is time to make fundamental changes to society, both on local levels and on a global level. The old ways are breaking down because they no longer work. Why hold onto them if they are failing? If you think we should hold onto them, then I am assuming you also use an outhouse and candles, rather than indoor plumbing and electricity? I mean, those still work, too, right? So by your line of thinking, we should still use those. Derp.

If these oppositional energies are not enough, let’s also factor in the fact that all of this activity is forming a challenging aspect pattern called a “T-Square” to Chiron and Mars blended together in Aries. T-Squares represent pressure and challenges. Chiron is the planet of the wound and the wounded healer, and Mars (ruling planet of Aries, meaning he’s extra strong here, for the next six months!) is the planet of energy and conflict. Located in Mars, this could be too much of a good thing though, but at this moment, the emphasis is on bringing Chiron’s wound to the surface. Located in Aries, the wound Chiron represents is a wounded sense of self, and of being. This usually manifests as insecurity or feeling like you can’t do what you want to do. Before anyone get’s too jaded or cynical about this, ask your minority friends if they experience this just by living daily life! In the USA, this would refer to people of color, but in other countries, it is other marginalized groups. Regardless of where you are on the planet, there is a marginalized, oppressed group, so it should be easy to find someone from that group to consult about this. When we connect this with the Cancer/Capricorn energy we see that in the ongoing conflict between tradition/comfort/security, vs progress/maturity/evolution, what is currently happening is that those that have those wounds of self are being victimized in the process, and all they way are equality and peace enough to heal and to be heard.

So, to recap, for the next three months (Now until October), figure out how you can help change society. Don’t immaturely dig in your heels against this change just because it means you may lose an inch so that others gain a mile. How immature is that? And, understand, that while progress and growth are occurring (No birth is painless, ask any mother!), there will be wounds and buried problems brought to the surface. These reflect and represent others that have not been able to be themselves since they were born (in most cases). Yes, granted, most of us have to restrict parts of ourselves for various reasons, but the people I am talking about have to do it more than most, or they are persecuted by the social structures and traditions that need to fall the way of the Dodo bird. And, in the process of being part of the solution of change, practice compassion. Practice emotional connection. Practice empathy. But, to be fair, do not do it to the degree you get taken advantage of, either. Yes, as has been said millions of times before, love is the answer, and especially love through unity. Remember that we are all on this planet together, and we will keep repeating these toxic cycles until we all come together. I am ready to do my part (and have been). Are you? And if so, how?




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