Happy Full Moon Taurus!

Greetings, and Happy Wesak!

If you are unfamiliar with Wesak, you can read about it here on my website. http://418ascendant.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Wesak.pdf

Also, this is the last of the supermoons for the year, too, so if this is feeling extra strong, now you know why. Here is a link to more information: https://earthsky.org/tonight/last-full-moon-supermoon-of-2020

Now that the key, powerful points are out of the way, let’s talk about some other important things that are getting ready to occur. Beginning May 13th, and lasting until June 25, Venus will be retrograding. This is a powerful event that happens approximately every two years, and this time it is happening in Gemini, from twenty-one degrees to five degrees. Check your chart to see where things will be happening in your life, but in addition to the life area affected, there are a few other things I want to address here that are general themes. First, during this time, you may find people from your past come back into your life. Usually, but not always, these are former romantic partners. They can also simply be people you were close to. While this may seem scary, there are a few things to remember this time around to get rid of that edge. First, their appearance will be short-lived. This is told to us by the fact that Gemini is a sign associated with rapid movement and scattered energy, so they may show up in your life one day, and be gone the next. Secondly, this may not occur in a face-to-face way, for two reasons. First, the situation that the global community is dealing with, and secondly, Gemini corresponds to the personal computer, smartphone, and emails, so you may hear from them digitally instead of physically. This means you are in control of your response.

The second interesting point of a Venus retrograde is that it lasts forty days. The timeframe of forty days appears many times in world religions. Applying to Venus, the most distinct reference is Inanna’s descent into the underworld. It has many times been discussed that the Venus retrograde is the root of that story, so for those of you that work with that, you can use this period to enact a passion play or some other form of application. However, there are several other references in other religions, too, to the number forty, and we can speculate that these relate to this forty-day period. First, the mythical flood from ancient Sumeria that was brought forward into Judaism and later Christianity, was said to have lasted forty days. Another Jewish reference is in that the Hebrew people lived outside of their promised land for forty years, so while not forty days, we can see either a mistake in translation or some other, magnified, application of this cycle. In a more direct story, Goliath challenged the Israelites for forty days until David slew him. Again in Sumerian material, we find the number forty sacred to Enki. In Islam, it is said that Masih ad-Dajjal roams the earth in forty days. In some funerary customs from Russia and Serbia, it is said the soul of the dead roams for forty days. And finally, even though I haven’t done the in-depth research on this since the Mayan astrological system is based on cycles of Venus, it is safe to say that the number forty and Venus retrogrades would be powerful in there, too.

So, beginning on May 15th and lasting for forty days, watch for people from your past come up, but it would be wise to stay fairly detached, as their visits might be short-lived. If you want to be proactive, then perhaps working with some of the themes and stories I share here would be wise. But no matter how you address it, you may want to take this full moon to align yourself with the spiritual energies of Wesak to be as prepared as you can be.




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