Happy Full Moon Aries!

Today we have the full moon in Libra, with the sun in Aries. This is the first full moon of the year. and as Christianity teaches us, Easter is right around the corner, this coming Sunday, to be specific. While services may not be happening due to world events, that does not take away from the centuries-old tradition of Easter, the resurrection of the Christ. And really, I always find joy during this holy day, because of all the knee-jerk reactions people have to it. It cracks me up, watching otherwise rational people throw intelligence out the window to have an emotional over-reaction to this holiday. In the Christian tradition, it is the resurrection of Christ. However, to metaphysicians and magicians everywhere, it is much more than that. This is the holiday of renewal, regardless of your spiritual path.

The word “Christ” is a derivative of the Greek word “Christeos,” meaning “anointed.” As I have talked about in various classes, presentations, and conversations over the last ten years, all that means, is that one is anointed. That’s it, no ritual or spiritual designation beyond that. Anything heaped on the term past that is spiritual baggage. Thus, if you have an issue with that,  you are just uneducated, which you can fix here. I drive this point home every now and then, and because of the state of the world, I do so here, too.

Why do I bring the light of intelligence to this? Well, that’s an easy answer. I do so because now is the time to anoint yourself. Now is the time to Christen yourself, to whatever spiritual belief you have, or whatever deity you desire. Who cares if Christianity has cornered the market on the use of this term? They have a long history of not welcoming more intelligent people that they have branded as heretics, over the centuries. The funny thing is, though, that generally, those heretics have been right more often than not. So, which side of history do you want to be on? The side of the heretic, where intelligence wins out over blind, zombie-like faith? Or the side of zombie-like faith, that is currently killing people by the thousands planet-wide right now? I know what I choose, do you?

Everyone reading this is living a period of history that is fairly rare, and we all should be mindful of that. This event only happens once every century. What impact will you have on it? Even if your impact is just to stay healthy, that makes you one of the ones that lived, which does matter when it comes to the evolution of the species. If you’re a Christian during this time, then, rejoice! Christ has risen! Embrace what that means to you, and embody Christ-like virtues in your daily life, such as standing against greed and bankers, sharing free love with everyone, and promoting karma. And, as you can see, what this means, whether you are Christian or not, is that now is the time to hit the ground running as we find a new season upon us. Now is the time to renew and rededicate. Now is the time to start anew, especially today, when the energy is the strongest. I prefer to do this through heresy, how about you? And if you prefer to use purity and alignment with the Christ energy in the air, then so be it. Regardless, seize today to enjoy the moment, and pledge to yourself to be a better you. After all, the world needs more of that right now.




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