Happy Full Moon Virgo!

Today we have the full moon in Virgo, with the moon herself in the opposite sign of Pisces. Other than the focus on this mutable access, the bulk of activity in the sky right now has to do with cardinal signs, Aries, Capricorn, and Cancer, and this is worth keeping in mind because this cardinal activity forms a T-Square, which is generally a tense aspect. Some might say it is a negative aspect pattern, but that is not true. Yes, it is tense, but its focus is on bringing pressure to bear on a situation in order to force change. The symbolism I use to describe it is that of the story of the diamond. A diamond is formed when a lot of pressure is brought to bear on a piece of coal over an extended period of time. It is through this process coal is transformed into a higher state. So, too, is the story now.

A lot of pressure and tension is being brought into manifestation in various places of the world and for various reasons. There is an underlying theme though, which is that of healing. While this may seem paradoxical, that is only an illusion. There is a simple spiritual principle at work right now. This principle is that if the world or the environment around you is sick, then it is a reflection of the connection between humans in the physical world and the world of Spirit. Yes, spiritual sickness causes physical issues, problems, and dis-ease. I realize this is a difficult teaching for many to grasp, which is a change for the worse over the last twenty years, but that does not take away from its truth. If there was a healthy connection between the human species and spirit, we would not have racism, classism, sexual phobias, and many other populous ills right now that are manifesting themselves. Love, acceptance and shared values are all ways to proceed, yet these are almost nowhere to be found.

Yes, it is true that you might be right with spirit, and most of the people you know may be right with spirit, but one look at the news tells you that not only are you and them in the minority, you are also losing the battle of evolution and change. Tragically, unfortunately, it is a battle, too, as many people with fractured and toxic agendas are fighting for the attention and energy of the many, to feed toxic and unhealthy egos and desires. While this may seem bleak, it is simply an observation. However, the key point to remember is that nothing is set in stone right now, and the future is always fluid, built on the choices of today, and our individual courses of action.

This tension will not last long though, so for those of you that do not do well when pressured, this will lighten up within a week or so. The main conflict to focus on personally and within your community is that of the healthy relationship between the family and society. With Chiron retrograde in Aries, we find we are now at a crucial spot for healing. Mars is about to fire off the rest of the year in big, profound ways, so in a lot of ways, this is the time to complete as much as possible to clear off your plate for what is to come over the next three months of the calendar year. What you complete and work on now and over the next week, will work to your advantage as it will free up your energy for what is to come.

What to do, you may ask? The answer is easy. It would be wise to deepen your connection with spirit in all ways. Do your spiritual values line up with how you live your life? If you believe everyone is equal, are you living that on a daily basis, and speaking out against those that say otherwise? Are you teaching, through example, your loved ones that this is true? Being of service in the name of spiritual and personal growth are two major focal areas at the moment, and before Mars goes retrograde next week, it would be wise to know where you stand with all of this, as things may get too consuming to come back to this until next year. In other words, get right with yourself and your spirit, so that when Mars moves, you can be right with those you care about and the world around you.


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