Happy Full Moon Gemini!


Today we have the full moon in Gemini with the moon itself in Sagittarius. Additionally, this is known as the strawberry moon, and the Festival of Humanity, but we also have a lunar eclipse occurring as well. In addition to what is going on in the world right now, you can definitely say there is a lot happening! Currently, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, and Venus are all retrograde. With the exception of Venus, these are planets that have to do with society and the generations that make it up. Venus, of course, is a personal planet that is focused on relationships, romantic or not, and with it’s retrograde occurring in Gemini, we get the emphasis on revisiting relationship topics through communication, conversation, the personal computer, and the smartphone. Adding to this is the fact that the north node of the moon just entered Gemini, where the Sun currently is, we see that the bulk of the emphasis right now is on talking. But, Jupiter and Saturn are known as the social planets, and when you throw Pluto into the mix, it tells us now is the time to readdress social themes, because they have come back up again. Making this situation more intense is the fact that Saturn just entered its sign of Aquarius, and while it is retrograding, it will dance around the zero point for the next few months. Practically, this means all things Saturnine will be intense, heavy-handed, and will occur out of the blue.  All of this retrograde activity means two things: 1) Inner reflection and appropriate changes, and 2) Readdressing old themes that have come back up again. I don’t think I have to break this down further, as any cursory glance at media outlets tells us what themes are coming back up, and what inner changes need to happen, not just on a personal level, but also a social level.

The lunar eclipse tells us that over the next three months, until about September 15th, we will be dealing with what is going on right now. We may not be dealing with it in the same fashion, and we may not be dealing with it on the same level of intensity, but we will be dealing with it anyway. Things will not be gentle, either, as right now we have a mutable sign T-Square in the sky, and without getting too astrologically deep here, all that means is that challenges and growth opportunities are the norms rather than the exceptions. The saving grace though is that this T-Square is the least intense because mutable signs are swift and responsive to change. We also have more eclipses coming up that will influence the direction of things, too. So, much like what has been said about the weather in various places, if you don’t like it, wait an hour. It will change!

But, and this is a BIG but, we are getting ready to go through another intense shift, so if you think things are going to quiet down, think again. June 18th, Mercury retrogrades in Cancer, and will be retrograde while Venus and the other aforementioned planets are, too! I don’t think I have to go into detail about what a Mercury retrograde means, but if you want to know more, you can check out my class on it: https://418ascendant.com/downloads/mercury-retrograde-what-to-do. Venus and Mercury will be retrograde together for about a week, and since that is the beginning of the Mercury retrograde and the tail end of the Venus retrograde, it promises to be a busy week, especially considering the solstice falls right in the middle. That means the Sun will be changing signs then, too, bringing more profound change. So to summarize, what this means is that June will continue to be as eventful as May was. On June 29th, Mars moves into Aries, which means that the last week in June will be hot in several ways, but what makes this noteworthy is that because of retrograde behavior, Mars will stay in Aries UNTIL NEXT YEAR! Yes, we are about to have about six months of Mars in Aries activity. Mars is the ruling planet of Aries, so this combination tells us it will manifest extra strong in its traits. The good news though is that Mercury goes direct on July 11th, which means that once July 12th gets here, we will have Venus and Mercury direct, and while other planets will be retrograde, they are all outer planets, so they will affect large groups of people and social interaction. Chiron retrogrades about when Mercury directs, shifting the focus to the wound and the healing, and with what I said about Mars, you can piece together that the theme of the last half of 2020 will be on identifying and healing the wound, cauterizing it, not just applying a bandage.

I could go on and on about this, and if there is enough interest, maybe I will, but the point I’m trying to impress here is that things are going to stay at this level of intensity for at least the next month to five weeks. After that, we will see a shift away from personal intensity, but the social intensity will remain. All of this is set against a backdrop of necessary social change and healing. Oh, and did I mention there is also a global epidemic that is still happening? How do you handle this, you might ask? This is partially subjective, because it will vary from person to person, and personal agenda to personal agenda, but the underlying theme is in making internal changes, but more importantly, applying those changes to the outside world. After all, as I learned many years ago, the best apology is changed fucking behavior. It is no longer enough to say “sorry.” Words are hollow. What are you going to DO about it? If you need help staying spiritually centered during this time, I will be continuing my weekly spiritual services on my YouTube channel, and this is my “do-ing.” If you are unfamiliar with them, check them out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8gWIFlXcM0&t=6s. Helping each other out right now is how we deal. Isolation and division are no longer simply toxic or hurtful, now they can be deadly. As I’ve said many times before, we are all on this rock in space together.



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