Happy Full Moon Leo!

Today we have the full moon in Leo, with the moon itself in Aquarius. And, relatively speaking, this is a period of quiet, from an astrological view. Jupiter and Saturn, known as the social planets, are retrograde, as is Chiron, Neptune, and Pluto. All of those are generally considered generational planets or planets that affect large groups of people, so we see that with the exception of Uranus, everything out from Jupiter is retrograde right now. What does this mean? The first thing it means is that now is a good time to re-evaluate your role and interaction with society and the world at large. This is not necessarily a time of introspection and reflection unless it has to do with how to be a better healer for yourself and for others. Like the harvest time that is beginning in the northern hemisphere, this is a time to re-evaluate the last several months. What worked and what didn’t? What work still needs to be done? And, how are you going to go about doing it? The timing of the southern hemisphere is profound, too, as it is all about the new beginnings that are waiting to come forth in a few weeks. Thus now is the time to evaluate whether or not you have everything in place and ready for the coming season, so you can see the common theme between the two is re-evaluation, with the only difference being reflective or proactive.

Today though, and for a few days, we will have a conjunction between the North Node of the Moon and Venus, both in Gemini. Venus is the planet of love, beauty, art, money, goddess energy, and the appreciation of all of those things. The North Node of the Moon is where we are spiritually heading, and Venus is oftentimes called the lesser benefic, meaning that good things tend to manifest when Venus is around. This uncommon conjunction tells us now is the time to invite love in, and to embrace your creativity, especially as it has to do with creative problem-solving. There are a lot of things going on in the world today, ranging from very good to very bad, and with this conjunction, we see that now is the time to look for and embrace creative problem-solving techniques to create greater, more lasting change. A lot of what we have been seeing and dealing with over the last few months has seen changes, but how long-lasting will these changes be? What things can or should happen to make the changes more permanent? How do we change what we’re doing to produce different but better results?

I do not have the answer to these questions, because the answers are subjective to each person. However, we see from the Gemini nature present, that one of the best ways to get the answers is through communication. Reaching out to people is a wise way to achieve change. Engaging in a variety of people and solutions may also be wise to do. Using personal communication tools such as smartphones and the personal computer can have a bigger impact than normal. Gemini is the sign of the twins, too, and here we get reminded of the lesson that sometimes it is good that the right-hand does not know what the left hand is doing. This should be considered in the conversation of social change as well. Discretion is not only the better part of valor, it is often an effective way to get things done. So during this full moon, you may find it wise to re-evaluate your relationships with others, but also yourself, as the two are intrinsically tied together. The Aquarian energy of this full moon reminds us that we are all one species, and we fly together or die together.


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