Happy Full Moon Libra!


Today we have the full moon in Libra, with the Sun in Libra and the Moon in Aries. We are about twelve days before the start of an upcoming Mercury retrograde and are in the middle of a Mars retrograde. The Mars retrograde is firing off all of the late Capricorn activity, including Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto. Long story short, it has been intense lately and will continue for over a month, yet. But this particular day, my friends? This is the day of assessment. This is the day of identification. This is the day of putting the emotions in check, and looking at things through a clear vision. Mercury is still out in front of the Sun, telling us we can still easily grasp new ideas and concepts, so assessment and identification may be quite easy to accomplish, so there is no reason to feel tense.

From an astrological perspective, we find ourselves in the middle of a cardinal sign T-Square aspect pattern, and those of you that have purchased my recently released astrological aspect pattern course, knows what this means. In short, this is a time that will be naturally tense, but a lot of it can be worked through if we focus on our spiritual and moral spirit. By increasing our spirituality, especially as it has to do with being lived out in daily life, we may find it easier to deal with the things that are happening, and what will be coming our way before the end of the zodiacal year. There is a lot of energy right now focused on moving forward, but if you move forward too much or too fast, you may find you are just wading in quicksand, with no real foundation. That is part of the lesson at the time of this full moon. What is your foundation? How has it stayed the same in light of recent events? How has it changed? How have you changed your relationship to it?

Yes, the lesson of the moment lies in the integration of the spiritual component into daily life. This does not mean blind faith though. This could also mean simply using unseen energy or unseen powers to actualize what it is you desire. Many times throughout the years, the spiritual world has been acknowledged as being an invisible counterpart to this world, and I have found that to be true. There are also beings that live there, and many are responsive when we call on them. This is the time to work with those unseen entities. It’s not as scary as you might think. You are simply dealing with the unknown, and as Schroedinger has taught us, it is neither bad nor good until we experience it. In preparation for the thinning of the veil, you may find it wise to begin now, contacting whatever spirits you choose, in order to maximize your gain over the next two months.

Astrologically speaking, October is going to be quite an active month, so if you take the advantage you are given today, you may find you can handle the rest of the month a lot easier than anticipated. You may also find that you accomplish a lot more than expected, and that because of this, you are that much closer to putting 2020 behind you, and preparing yourself for 2021.



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