Happy Full Moon!


Today, we have the full moon, with the sun in Capricorn and the moon in Cancer. We also have Chiron stationing direct. I am sure most of you are familiar with retrograde motion, which also means you understand what it means when a planet is direct. That is known as forward motion, but there is a step between forward and retrograde motion, which is known as ‘stationing.’ Stationing is that little stutter-step that happens before a planet goes direct or retrograde. Yes, technically, that means that a planet stations right before it retrogrades, and then it stations again when moving direct again. That is where we are at now. Chiron is stationing direct, so it is moving from retrograde to direct. This means that right now, there is a little stutter-step happening with the planet associated with wounds and healing. All of this activity is taking place in the cardinal fire sign Aries, but interestingly enough, Chiron is not making any significant aspects to other planets. On one hand this is good, because it means there are no major challenges present that have to do with other types of energy, but on the other hand, this can be challenging because it means that Chiron is acting like a singleton. A singleton is astrological slang denoting a planet that is not making any major aspects to other planets. When this is occurring, it tells us that the energy of Chiron may be erratic at the moment.

A good way to look at it is this: Right now, your wounds that have to do with how you view yourself may be especially vulnerable to being triggered right now. However, you may also discover hidden opportunities for healing and doing it yourself, at that. Think about this practically. You may encounter someone early in the day who says something to trigger these wounds. But then, upon reflection later in the day, you may figure out what you need exactly to execute perfect, thorough healing. Or, one day you may have your wounds triggered one day, but you find the healing solution the next day. Or perhaps you go a couple of days with profound healing, but then on day three, you experience a setback. With these examples, I’m sure you get my point. Considering there is a Mercury retrograde right now, this can make the holidays challenging, especially if you have to spend time with people that can easily trigger your wounds.

I hope all of this does not sound bleak, because it is really not. The key to success can be found in working with the energies of the Mercury retrograde. While Mercury retrogrades, it is a perfect time to go within to be your own teacher and healer. Now is the time for inner exploration, and through this exploration, you can create your own healing. You have about a week to work with the Mercury retrograde energy before it stations directly, but you only have a few days to worry about the start-stop nature of Chiron. Usually, planets only station for a short period of time, and the general rule of thumb is that the closer the planet is to the sun, the shorter the stationing period. Chiron is quite a distance away from our local star, so its stationing period will last a little longer than other planets, but in the context of the planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, the stationing period for Chiron is quite short, lasting only a day or two, whereas most of those mentioned planets last close to a week or so when they station. So, to summarize, the back-and-forth nature of Chiron will only last a couple of days. The pain is that these couple of days fall on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and today, the day after.

You may think that this information is too little too late, but that is not the case. Rather, this information can help you reflect on what has occurred the last few days, and it still provides you almost a week to internally heal whatever wounds have recently come up. Mercury retrograde right now is conjunct with Mars in Sagittarius, telling us it is time to be proactive when it comes to your spirituality, so you can see how this applies. This conjunction also tells us that words, especially poorly chosen ones, may wound now more than average. On the bright side, this conjunction also tells us one of the things you can do to help yourself at the moment is to journey. This can be a physical journey or an inner spiritual quest, but whatever it is, you may find the essence of traveling is a good tool to use to create distance between you and whatever it is that wounded you. By creating space, you gain perspective.

If all of this information about retrograde, direct, and stationing is too much to process right now, don’t worry. At the end of the month, both Jupiter and Mercury will be stationing direct at the same time, New Year’s Eve, which means that this year’s end gala might be a big bang, so if you go out, be extra safe and make sure to have backup plans, just in case. One thing you don’t have to worry about, though, is that I will be here next year, continuing the blog and my work to provide insight and guidance to everyone I meet.

I close for now, but keep these astrological principles in mind over the next week, and know that the closer we get to the end of January, the more the celestial theme is ‘full steam ahead,’ so why not start on that trajectory now?


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