Happy Full Moon Pisces!

Today we have the full moon, with the Sun in Pisces and the Moon in Virgo. And, of particular note is the fact that right now, all of the major planets in astrology are direct, meaning it is a good time for forward motion and progress. It would be wise to set your intentions during this full moon, and then over the next three weeks, make the plans to prepare for setting them in motion after the equinox. More and more planets are moving out of Aquarius and into Pisces, telling us that a creative and fertile time lies ahead. So, if you thought you were entering into the Age of Aquarius, I guess this tells us you think we have already left it then, too. But anyway, I digress. Soon there will be six planets in Pisces, to balance out the focus on Aquarius from last month, and this can be a sticky situation to handle. On one hand, creativity, spiritual growth, and psychic skills are sharper than ever. But on the other, you may find you are more sensitive to energy than normal. This could include emotional sensitivity, too, which could lead to blowing things out of proportion. For the empaths among us, you may have your hands full for the next month. Maybe when it comes to yourself, or maybe when it comes to the projections of others. This also means it is a good time for heart-to-heart connections.

Over the next month, Mars will be moving into Gemini, too, so you may find that your desire to communicate comes at odds with your emotional control, or perhaps triggering the emotions of your audience. Whatever the case may be, you may find it wise to think twice before chatting, and even then, make sure you have thicker skin than normal, just to be sure. The positive side of this time is that now it is a good time to explore your interests, to live out the old phrase “Variety is the spice of life.” Your curiosity may be a guide that can help you stay young at heart, and keep your inner child happy and healthy. You may also find that through this, you unlock some opportunities for expansion in various life areas.

Like February, the theme is putting into practice “heart intelligence,” or more accurately: “Follow your heart, but lead with your head.” In some ways, this solar transit through Pisces will be the second half of the equation that began earlier this year with all of the Aquarius transits. Up until now, it has been about critical thinking, analyzing, and planning, but now the emphasis moves to emotional investment to produce energy. Now it is time to acknowledge that you have the plans and goals in place, but without being emotionally invested, you are just going through the motions, and will not achieve as good of results as if you put your whole heart into it. The trick is to find out what motivates you to put your whole heart into your projects? How do you get your emotions stirred up in positive ways? This process can also make you extra sensitive at first, and this is where the catch comes in. You want to use the emotions as fuel, without letting them become too sensitive and reactionary when it would be wiser to wait things out and proceed cautiously. Working with this sensitive and emotional side of yours is what I encourage you to do while the Sun moves through Pisces. Find a healthy and empowering way to motivate yourself to achieve success in your goals for the upcoming year.


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