Happy Full Moon!


Today is the Full Moon Leo, with the Sun in Leo and the Moon in Aquarius. This is one of those interesting full moons because it is occurring in the western world on Friday, July 23rd, but in the eastern world on Saturday, July 24th. This does illustrate why not to trust the calendar or printed word. Always look things up. Just because something in a book or on a website is stated, doesn’t mean it is true for you. But then again, they are called generalizations because by and large, they are true, so there is that to consider. Anyway, digression over.

How are you handling all of the retrogrades right now? I hope well, because as you saw in my newsletter, there is one more that will be joining them in the near future. For the moment though, we have our hands full with what is happening. The main theme of the moment from an astrological view is finding the harmony between the self and the other. Doing what is best for others vs what is best for the self is another theme that is being expressed now. It is easy to see how this is playing out in the world at large. The pedestrian reduction of vaxxers vs anti-vaxxers serves to highlight not only the polarity basis of this reality, but also a tool of control used extensively in everything from politics to religion to “no child left behind.” Creating an artificial division so that one feels in with the in-crowd when they participate is a control technique that has been employed for hundreds, if not thousands of years, much to the subjugation and disempowerment of all.

I single out this instance to illustrate the statement in the first paragraph, but with a little thought, you can see other areas of society that this division is currently occupying. Toxic capitalism, classism, and various other social movements could all be used to illustrate this point, and there is so much already written about this that I will move on. It is necessary though, to establish this baseline because many people do not give the outer planet retrogrades the credit and weight that they deserve. This is proven by the lack of fear propaganda memes I am seeing on social media. Talk about selfish!

But then again, being selfish is one of the themes right now, with the Sun having recently moved into Leo, joining Mars there for the next few days. Leo energy is creative energy, generous energy, and solar energy, but if left unchecked or undeveloped, it can also be self-absorbed, self-centered, and toxic egoic energy. The Moon is in Aquarius right now, and Aquarius energy is all about decisions that are made for the best and betterment of all. Seeing what is needed to take care of most of the people, and then doing it. Humanitarian endeavors, non-profit organizations, and groups that meet to guide larger groups of people, all fall under the sway of Aquarius. As it could be expected though, too much of this energy is just as bad as the negative traits of Leo. Sometimes when you focus on the needs of the many, you neglect the needs of the few, and I think we can all see the problems with that.

So, the moral of the story and the lesson literally in the air right now is to find the balance within yourself to do what is best for you vs what is best for others. This may cause you to reflect on your spiritual values and beliefs, as we also currently have a Jupiter-Venus opposition, meaning tension is present when it comes to spiritual values aligning with physical world implementation. This could mean changing spiritual and personal beliefs, or it could mean changing your behavior in your daily life, especially the workplace.

The key here though, at this time, is to recognize and find the balance between the self and the other within you, but then, to change YOURSELF to better align with what is right and best for all, without losing yourself in the process. All of these outer planet retrogrades are calling on all of us to make internal changes on a mass scale. While some may be cynical and say that it can’t or shouldn’t happen, may I remind you that it has happened before. For example, when earthquakes or floods started frequenting a particular area, people either left or adapted to the environment. When one group of people rose up to challenge another, people either left or adapted. This moment in time is a prime example of one of those times in history. We only have a contagion like this about every one hundred years, and when you couple that with civil unrest in the name of justice, you get a very strong storm of time, and to weather it takes adaptation, which supposedly, humans are good at.

To summarize-What are you going to change within you to better connect with society in the name of healing it, and therefore, healing our species? One thing we can all take away from these times is that the old ways are no longer working, so they need re-evaluated and usually changed. After the last few years, if someone is unchanged, that is a sad commentary on them as a person. I know very, very few people that claim to be unchanged after recent events, and now that I know that about them, I know how they fit into the overall tapestry of the evolution of our species. Earlier this year, the retrogrades were encouraging us to change within for the betterment of the self. Now the retrogrades are encouraging us to change within for the betterment of others. I saw plenty of people step up and do that before.

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