Happy Full Moon Aries!


Today we have the Full Moon in Aries, with the Moon itself in the cardinal air sign of Libra. This is a very focused Full Moon due to the fact that the Moon, representing emotions, intuition, and daily life, is bringing pressure to bear on an interesting triplicity: the Sun, Venus, and Chiron, all conjunct in Aries. I have been discussing this for a few days now in various places, such as my newsletter and temple services, but I will go into greater depth here. Aries is the sign of Will, will, pioneering, and new beginnings. Venus, of course, is love and creativity, and traditional astrology says that Venus is not in a happy place when located in Aries, because Aries is fiery but short-lived, aggressive, but generally not congenial or diplomatic. In short, Aries is all about instant gratification, whereas Libra is more about harmony and long-term gratification. The Sun is, of course, the Sun, meaning it corresponds to shining your best and your brightest. The Sun also corresponds to creativity, child-like joy and enthusiasm, good fortune, and optimism. Traditional astrology says that the Sun is in a strong place in Aries since both are associated with the element of fire. The third piece of the picture is Chiron. Chiron is the planet of the wound and of the healing. Traditional astrology doesn’t say shit about Chiron in Aries, because it is stuck in the past, as is true with many traditional teachings, which is why reconstructionist and traditional practices and teachings should always be questioned and almost always be changed. “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” is the battle cry of the lazy, scared, and mediocre.

So in the heavens right now there is a big blending of creativity, love, beauty, optimism, and your own wounds. Don’t be surprised if your wounds are highlighted or magnified, especially wounds that have to do with your concept of love, or wounds that have to do with creativity. On the surface, it looks like this would mostly play out in the romantic life area, but this could also play out psychospiritually, in that your inner wounds having to do with confidence in your creativity and good fortune may get highlighted. The thing that triggers all of this into manifestation is the Moon in Libra, in this case representing the daily desire for gently flowing personal relationships. Bluntly, this may be a time during which your desire for good relationships gets met with a mirror that brings your wounds to the surface, bluntly, in front of you. These wounds have to do with your emotional body and affairs of the heart.

In the USA, there was a tragic example of this in the last several days, when a mentally ill man took a gun and killed several Asian women. His motivation was a bad day dealing with sex addiction. No, really, that is the common thought, not my opinion. So this mentally ill person who is having problems with sex (Venus, arguably) addiction (Associated with the Moon), projects (Aries and the expression in daily life of beliefs, no matter how sick or delusional) his illness (Chiron in Aries) onto others, and goes on a killing spree (The Sun, wanting to shine bright, or do something about his problem, even though he was wrong for what he did). Does this make sense? While I use this as an example, I’m sure you can study your life and see which of your wounds are triggered right now, especially those that have to do with sex or love, or both, or feelings of inadequacy or other craptastic excuses to be a jerk.

We all have our baggage. We all have our wounds. But not all of us go around shooting people because of them. That’s just mentally ill. So to summarize, this Full Moon may bring an event into your life that highlights your wounds. This event will probably be something that happens on any given day and has to do with your sense of self or sense of being. But unlike that emotionally sick fuck, you are reading about this, so you now know how to respond appropriately. First of all, projection is wrong, so know that you are doing it and decide not to. Secondly, remember that as I said, everyone has wounds, but not everyone is so sick and disturbed that they think going on a killing spree is the solution. So, if you’re having a bad day and didn’t shoot someone, congratulations, you are handling your stress better than that person, and you are sparing the world a lot of pain. See? It’s all about perspective.

Libra is a dual sign, Aries is singular. Right now the singular perspective is wanting something, but it does not realize that before it gets it, it has to deal with things that are going on in daily life, and most of those things are of a dual nature. To handle all of this, just breathe deep, identify your wounds when they are exposed, and respond appropriately and accordingly. Projecting your own baggage onto someone else is always wrong, and most people do it without realizing it, so let this blog and Full Moon be a wake-up call to your own behaviors. And, as is true to Aries form, this will be short-lived, and the way to respond to this is through self-reflection and using your honor code. As the ancient wisdom says, “As Within, So Without.”


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