Happy Full Moon Cancer!


Today we have the Full Moon Cancer, with the Moon itself in the opposite sign of Capricorn. Both are cardinal signs, which means both are forward-thinking and progressive. However, this also means both signs can be stubborn, so stubbornness, when appropriate and not, may be a major, current theme. Capricorn is generally considered the sign of the father, and Cancer the mother, so we can also see that this moon highlights the inner struggle between the two, and how that is reflected in the greater society. Finding a balance and harmony with both of these things internally, and then forming a healthy relationship with these themes in society is wise to look at during this time. If you read this and think this is enough to keep you busy for the next month, you may be in for quite the surprise to know that there is a lot more to unpack for the full moon, and all of it paints a clear picture of what is currently happening. Capricorn is also the sign of the career and occupation, whereas Cancer is the sign of the home and immediate family, so this opposition tells us there may be a lot of tension between the two. I have seen this extensively on social media, where ambition and other healthy work traits are under a lot of attack by extremists. That is a story for another time, though. So, the two layers of this full moon thus far have to do with the mother and father interplay, and the harmony between the work and home lives.

Also in those two cardinal signs, we have a Venus and Pluto opposition, Venus in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn. As discussed earlier, an opposition represents tension, so in this case, we find tension between loving and tender Venus in Cancer, and the impulse to transform, not only professionally, but also regarding the overall direction of life. One way this could be interpreted is that there is the comfort zone that most enjoy, but we all know that no growth happens there, as any seed demonstrates. Doing what is emotionally satisfying vs what needs to be done for mature growth may be a current theme for many people as well. Remember, that these planets are in the aforementioned cardinal signs, so stubbornness may also be a danger here, too. The good news is that to handle all oppositions, one must find the fulcrum point in the middle, which is where everything can be balanced. This aspect is layer number three.

Layer number four is Neptune, stationing. Stationing is what happens in the time between a planet being direct or retrograde, and the way it usually manifests is as a “funky” kind of energy. Meaning, things may happen that alternate back and forth between representing the retrograde nature of the planet, and the direct nature of the planet. Neptune is the planet of inspiration, creativity, the muse, imagination, spirituality, and metaphysics, so right now, in a lot of ways, some or all of these themes may be strong in your life, or at least in society at large. At its worst, Neptune represents escapism, addiction, and not seeing things clearly. All of these traits are especially strong right now because Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces. This also means though, that these characteristics have strong spiritual and mystical overtones. Neptune is an outer planet, so these are all playing out in society at large, in addition to our individual experiences.

Following this is the fifth layer, which is a little trickier. This is the aspect pattern known as a fixed sign T-Square, which is pressurizing and challenging. This is occurring between Saturn in Aquarius, Uranus in Taurus, and Mars in Leo. The Saturn Uranus square has been extensively written about by astrologers and right now is the height of the second one of three this year. In essence, it represents the friction between change and stability, innovation vs the traditional, the authoritarian, and the rebellious. Mars in Leo adds the fire to ignite the wick, accentuating these traits. You can also see how this is playing out in the world at large. So, following this line of thought through to conclusion, you can expect things to get more fiery and active on that front.

Is your brain full yet? If it is, then you’ll be happy to know that there is only one layer left, and it’s a small one. Right now there are five retrogrades and four of them are outer planets, which represent society and our role in it. But wait, I haven’t seen any memes about that! What? Only the cute and triggering retrogrades get memes made? I point this out to illustrate propaganda. I am much more concerned about this retrograde period than one that has Venus, Mars, and Mercury all included in it. When put into context of the rest of this information, you can see that all of the social changes that are currently happening are going to continue for at least the next month, and may get more intense, at that.

I realize this is a longer blog entry, but as you can see, there is a lot to unpack right now. So, if you’re feeling overwhelmed, now you know why. The major theme that ties everything together is the changing of the old into the new, leaving behind what doesn’t work and what is outdated. Emotional control is the technique to use to make this happen, and embracing emotional detachment, intelligence, and logic, are prime ways to expedite your growth and the changes currently happening. There is so much here you may want to bookmark it until the next full moon in July, so for now I close. Remember, no one is an island.

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