Happy Full Moon/Eclipse!


Today we have the full moon, with the sun in Scorpio and the moon in Taurus, and it is an eclipse! Actually, it is the longest lunar eclipse in centuries and will be the longest for a long time yet to come, which makes this a very special day. On one end of the full moon is Mars, Mercury, and the sun, all in the fixed water sign of Scorpio, and on the other end of the opposition is the moon in Taurus. Additionally, the moon is training Pluto in Capricorn, and Mercury and the sun are sextiling Pluto as well. Further, the moon is sextiling Neptune retrograde in Pisces, and the sun Mercury conjunction is trining Neptune. Sextiles represent easy-flowing energy between the planets, and trines represent where power can be created if extended work is put into developing the traits of the planets. Mars is also sextiling Venus in Capricorn.

We also have some challenging yet opportunistic squares present, which bring agitation into the picture. Mars in Scorpio is squaring Saturn in Aquarius, and the Mercury sun conjunction is squaring Jupiter in Aquarius. The moon is also squaring Jupiter in Aquarius. We also have some secondary aspects, secondary in that they are not part of the overall oppositional themes we have discussed, but they are not secondary in potency. Venus in Capricorn is squaring Chiron retrograde in Aries, and Uranus retrograde is squaring Saturn in Aquarius. Challenges, but also growth opportunities, are present in all of these squares, meaning that as much as is happening from a smoothly flowing perspective, there is almost just as much happening that could be considered adversarial, from a certain point of view.

Overall, then, we find a fixed sign T-square, between the sun and Mercury on one end of the arm, the moon in Taurus on the other, and the third being Jupiter in Aquarius. A T-square is a less potent version of a Grand Cross, and both have to do with agitation and pressure. Therefore, we can see that there is a lot of tense and agitating energy present right now. While in some ways this is bad, because it can manifest as challenges and problems, it is also just as valid to say that this agitative energy is conducive to growth in that it stirs us to action. The clearest way to think of it is by picturing making a mixed drink. You put the ingredients in, but it is only after they are stirred, agitated, that the whole thing comes together for something better than the individual components. So yes, this is an intense time, but it can be worked with to rattle our cages, get us out of complacency, and call us to action.

Because of the duration of this eclipse, what occurs now, whether we create it or react to it, will play out over the span of the next three months, so if you pay attention to what is happening now, and if you take proactive steps where appropriate, then you have an idea of what is coming up over the next quarter of a calendar year. Of course, as you can see, there are two ways to work with this energy. You can either be proactive or reactive and let’s face facts. Most people will perform a mix of both based on various life areas that are calling for attention. In some areas of my life, I am proactive, while in others I am reactive.

In esoteric astrology, a fixed sign T-Square and its bigger version, a fixed sign Grand Cross, are known as the crosses of the disciple. Most people think of a disciple as someone that follows someone else, and yes, that is one interpretation of it, but you can also be a disciple to an idea, such as what is found in Thelema with its main teaching: “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. Love is the law, love under will.” In that context, one is a disciple of love and Will (Not ego desire fulfillment, the overall spiritual and magical Will of the practitioner). All of this tells us that now is the time to renew commitments you may have to your spiritual beliefs. It is also a good time to take on new spiritual commitments if you are feeling out of sorts. Now is the time to show that you are a disciple to something and/or someone. A common way to say it would be “now it is time to walk your talk.” And, if you have been doing that and you are still feeling stuck, then it is time to change things up to produce different, better results.

The T-Square tells us that you will be challenged on this over the course of the next few months, so be careful what you choose to work with here. An easy way to look at it is to consider this view. When you are challenged on what you declare, it is Spirit’s way of saying: “Oh really, you believe that? Then prove it.” Many times we either prove it, or we change what we believe because we got in over our heads, and didn’t realize it until we were already in motion. Because of this, it is wise to practice compassion towards yourself on down the road if you decide to change your mind and beliefs on things that you declare now. There is no shame in admitting that perhaps it was too much, or the focus was on the wrong things. That is how we learn. But, this aspect pattern also tells us that sometimes we just have to stand for what we believe in, even if it means standing alone.

So specifically, you may find there is an internal conflict between using your analytical skills vs just kicking back and enjoying life. This will most likely be agitated by society or groups that you belong to, and there may be a call to align yourself in positive ways with those you spend a lot of time with throughout your day. Yes, this means that wounds may come up to be addressed, but that also means you are in a good position to execute deep, meaningful healing. Your spiritual path is the guiding light forward, so by listening to your intuition and messages from guides and spirits that you work with, you can achieve greater spiritual growth.

As the book and movie say, “may the odds be ever in your favor!”


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