Happy Full Moon!


Today we have the full moon, with the sun in Libra and the moon in Aries. This full moon is much anticipated for those of you that have had your hands full with the recent deluge of retrograde planets. In a lot of ways, this full moon can be seen as the green light to move ahead. This is largely regionally dependent though because in the northern hemisphere it is autumn, which usually corresponds to release and letting things go, but in the southern hemisphere, this is spring, so this full moon could be seen as the first energetic “oomph” of the new year. Regardless of where you are though, there are a few points that are accessible to all, and these points have their own energetic signatures.

First, let us lay down the groundwork of the full moon in general. When we have the sun in Libra opposing the moon in Aries, we find tension present between ourselves and our personal relationships. One of those areas may be out of balance of the other, or perhaps one area is going smoothly, whereas the other needs some TLC. Regardless, the theme is the same, which means this is a good time to rectify the imbalance. What separates this full moon from its opposite (sun in Aries and moon in Libra) is that now the emphasis is on personal relationships, whereas the opposite emphasizes taking care of the self first and foremost. This is a full moon of “we,” rather than “me,” and with the recent intense retrogrades quieting down, we can regain out footing and make the appropriate changes.

Impacting this regular energy is the fact that Mars is conjunct the sun, meaning that more of the energy in the air is conducive to being proactive when it comes to addressing personal relationships, rather than focusing on the ‘me’ aspect of them. Additionally, Pluto in Capricorn is forming a challenging aspect called a cardinal sign T-square to both of them. This is an aspect that addresses making changes through friction, and we can look around the world for more insight about that. Pluto in Capricorn is the energy of changing authoritarian and long-standing institutions in society, so we can see that one of the ways this will play out is in that the changes that are happening in society are triggering re-evaluations in the realm of personal relationships and dynamics. You can expect things to be frictitious over the next month, particularly when it comes to social upheaval exposing what needs to be fixed in order to get along with others.

One of the ways to work with this energy is by inviting Spirit into our lives. Working with our spiritual paradigm can be of the utmost value not only for guidance in our decision-making process but also when it comes to staying centered and grounded. Our personal relationships are reflections of ourselves, and through this mirror, we can learn a lot about ourselves as we address who we spend our time with, and in what ways.

Additionally, there is a Yod aspect pattern present, occurring between now-direct Mercury in Libra, Venus in Sagittarius, and Uranus retrograde in Taurus. A Yod is also known as a finger of god or a finger of fate, telling us when it is present, you may find there is a special portal available. An old phrase sums up what you can do during this time: “From your lips to God’s ears.” Now is a time when you may find you have the ear of divinity, making it easier to communicate with them and spirits in general. Since this is happening between Mercury, Venus, and Uranus, the main focal point for this Yod is on how you communicate with your loved ones, and how both of you can express your individuality, while at the same time being respectful of the boundaries of others. There may be certain fated energy to your personal relationships right now, and this can be activated through communication. This pattern is happening in mutable signs, meaning that adaptability and flexibility are two major ways to proceed.

Chiron retrograde reminds us that now there is a lot of healing energy available to us as we focus on improving our individual relationships. By harmonizing with them and with society, you can accrue healing as it pertains to your sense of well-being. You can also help others achieve healing for themselves, which is always an added bonus. Chiron opposes Mercury, so you may find that while words are generally good things, boundaries may come up to be triggered as the communication process occurs. When speaking, you may want to make sure that your confidence is not misconstrued as arrogance, to illustrate this point.

If you are in the northern hemisphere, now is the time to be proactive in addressing these relationships before the season of winter arrives. In this way, you are clearing your path to prepare for next year. If you are in the southern hemisphere, now is an opportune time to lay the groundwork for the upcoming astrological season, and then to put in the work to achieve results.

Freedom and spirituality are two major themes now, and while being mindful of them is good, it is better to put these ideas into practice in healthy ways. Honoring the desires of others as well as personal desires is a pathway for mediation and resolution.  However you decide to work with this strong, proactive energy is up to you, but I encourage you to do so in a way that promotes health for all. While yes, we are all individual stars with our individual orbits, we are all also part of the larger scheme of life on earth, and cooperation can produce greater results than what we might have initially foreseen. Through unity, we can achieve things that our ancestors only dreamed.


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