Happy Full Moon!


Today we have the full moon, with the sun in Pisces and the moon in Virgo. Besides the sun, Mercury and the two rulers of Pisces, Jupiter, and Neptune, are all located in this mutable water sign, weighing the scales of the energy towards that of Pisces rather than Virgo, an earth sign. Pisces is associated with being sensitive to energy, intuition, psychism, in general, is the visionary, and progression rather than conservatism. Pisces energy is also that of adaptability, the astral plane, dreams, and mysticism. All or some of these things may be calling to you right now, but this opens the door to another Piscean trait-escapism. It is all too easy to answer the siren’s call and to indulge in any of these traits to an excess, but as the Virgo moon reminds us, we should not do that, because anything in excess is potentially self-destructive.

Virgo is the sign of daily work, health, the government, natural magick, and being of service to others. It is a mutable sign, just like Pisces, but it is earthy in nature and manifestation. In short, when we put this with what we just discussed about Pisces, we can see that the central message of this full moon, traditionally known as the “Worm Moon,” is: “Great, you have a spiritual connection and are privy to all of the knowledge of the cosmos, but how are you going to apply that in daily life in grounded ways, to be of service to others?” Yes, in this way, this full moon is issuing a call to action.

Mars, Venus, and Saturn are all in the fixed air sign Aquarius right now. Aquarius is the sign of groups, humanitarian endeavors, rebellion, eccentricity, individuality, and electricity, so we can see that it is time to get involved with groups and causes. Like Pisces, Aquarius is known as being a visionary sign, so now is the time of the visionaries. Yes, you may not understand some of the things that we do, but if it gets the ball rolling when it comes to the evolution of the human species, then it should be embraced. Generally, though, people fear the unknown and that which they do not understand, so the deck is stacked against the visionaries each and every day. This full moon tells us that might not be the case at this time though, as there may simply be far more innovators and visionaries to be ignored. And this, my friends, is a good thing.

We are at a critical crossroads of the development of human society right now. We are just coming out of almost two years of lockdown conditions, and the energy in the air is that of embracing the new and the different. Even though there is the invasion of Russia into Ukraine (Glory to the Ukraine!), the main vibe in the air is that of things being different than they were before the lockdowns began. This moon reminds us that we will not be going back to the way things were. It is truly a new frontier, and this post-COVID lockdown world is going to look a lot different than the previous one. While a lot of this is fantastic, some things are not, as COVID lingers, racism is still rampant, and mental health issues are very high, to name but a few social ills that have come front and center.

Aquarius is an air sign, and in this, we find the key to success. Now is the time to work together to do what’s right. Now is the time to focus on the overall collective and how intelligence and reason can be applied to the challenges we currently face. But, in order to achieve success, we will need the practical application of visionary and innovative ideas. It is time to embrace the dreamers and the dream, a point underscored by the fact that all of the significant planets in astrology are direct right not, providing the necessary fuel to move forward.

But what about the individual? Are they lost in the process? No, they are not, and remember that individuals are what make up groups. One of the best ways to apply the energy of this full moon is to be of better service to others if your needs are met. It is time to engage others to work together for the greatest growth and good of all. If you are seeking spiritual direction, then this is the time during which you may get your answers, and if you have been looking for a green light to move forward on new spiritual projects and in new spiritual directions, again, now is the time.

Regardless of where you are spiritually at, the larger theme is to build bridges and find practical, innovative solutions for our current social challenges. This is not the time of the fearful. As a matter of fact, I have noticed that they are having a real hard time of it lately, and while there is something to be said for tradition, it is also worth remembering that “Tradition is peer pressure from dead people,” as the Internet says (so it must be true!). Not all traditions are good. But not all visionary solutions are good, either, and we find ourselves called upon to use our intellect. Listen to the professionals. Listen to the experts. Listen to the intelligent, and embrace the new, compassionately.

Pisces is also a sign associated with love, forgiveness, compassion, and sacrifice, and it is wise if we remember these things when dealing with others and guiding our actions and choices. It is through all of these things that we grow tighter together as a species, making us stronger, wiser, and more loving than we have been in the past. The world around us is changing, and that is out of our control, but by working together, we can at least guide it towards the light rather than into the darkness of ignorance and fear.


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