Happy Full Moon!


Today we have the full moon, the sun in Scorpio, and the moon in Taurus. This also just happens to be an eclipse, distorting the energy in the air and the effects produced. Further enhancing this is the fact that this is the holy day of Samhain, one of the times during the year when the veil between the worlds is thinnest. That makes this a time of remembrance and honoring our ancestors. In the southern hemisphere, it is the holy day of Beltane, a time to celebrate the newness and fertility of spring. Samhain and the full moon on the same day are pretty powerful, really. The calendar tells us they are on separate days, but the two celestial events are only about twenty-four hours apart. Yes, this does reinforce the point that time is an illusion, but that is a conversation for another time and place.

Anyway, back to business. Complicating things further is the fact that it is not only the sun that opposes the moon to make this full moon. Mercury and Venus are also in the equation, both being conjunct with the sun in Scorpio. The moon has more impact, too, as it conjuncts the north node of the moon and Uranus retrograde. This may sound complex, but it comes down to one simple underlying theme-inner transformation. If there was ever a moment that was the rising of the phoenix, this is that moment.

Mercury and Venus are the inner planets in astrology and thus have to do with our inner lives and sense of being. Mercury is the planet of personal communication but also adaptability. Venus is the planet of love, beauty, creativity, art, money, and the appreciation of any of those. Uranus retrograde is when we rebel against ourselves- our old habits, drawbacks, shortcomings, and other unsavory character traits. Scorpio is a sign that is known for its depth, secrecy, and intensity, and Taurus is a sign of stability, consistency, and practicality. Both are fixed signs, and the way this comes into play at this time is that you may experience an inner conflict with what direction to go or which one of your set behavior patterns is the correct one to embrace. Internal conflicts are quite common, as is not knowing where to go or how to proceed. The north node of the moon tells us that by embracing Taurus traits, we can accrue spiritual mileage. To summarize, the last few weeks leading up to now have been a crucible, but this full moon is the time to say “Fuck it” and pick a direction and go with it, internally and, if appropriate, externally. This is a powerful spiritual lesson that many never address. The lesson is that sometimes during the course of your spiritual and personal development, you get to a point where you don’t know where to go or what to do, and when those times come up, the solution is to simply pick a direction and go with it. The naysayers and doubters will say, “But what if the direction I choose is wrong? I don’t want to fuck it up.” Bah! Fuck, that. Remember that at any given moment, you are doing the best you can with the tools you have. In this case, there is no such thing as a wrong choice. Stasis has been going on long enough, and this is the full moon that is the time to choose how to proceed from here. You can’t get it wrong if you listen to yourself.

Still unsure? Here is another point to consider. Once we drop this temporary physical form and assess our successes and failures, we will be judged harsher for those times that we knew better but still did something bad, rather than the times we didn’t know and made a poor decision. In other words, ignorance is part of the assessment process of the soul. By keeping this in mind and doing the best we can daily, we default to doing the right thing, even if hindsight tells us otherwise.

This is an intense full moon, for sure, and can be overwhelming, but if you direct your attention inward to your inner temple to seek direction and then focus the present, strong energy into physical world changes, then you are sure to break out of the stasis and haze that has been present lately.

Rise, Phoenix, Rise!



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