Happy Full Moon!


Today we have the full moon, with the sun in Capricorn and the moon in Cancer. This is the first full moon of the 2023 calendar year and is generally known as the Wolf Moon, and it is called that because this is traditionally when the wolves howl through the night, focusing on the scarcity of prey during the winter months, so you can see that this title is largely mostly accurate in the northern hemisphere since it is summer in the southern. Regardless, I find this title quite appropriate because food is scarce at the moment, conceptually speaking. We just had a major holiday season in December, and now is the time when many penny-pinch to recoup what they spent during those holidays. For many, this is also the beginning of the preparation for tax season, too, so penny-pinching is on the mind there as well. Alternate names for this full moon also include “The Quiet Moon” and “The Severe Moon,” so if you connect with one of those titles more, then so be it. Personally, I like “The Quiet Moon,” but there is a large part of me that likes The Wolf Moon because that title has a little more bite to it, so you’ll find me using either or both of those titles on average.

In the tropical zodiac, the sun is in the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn, which does have the reputation of being a cold sign. Not only does Capricorn align with the element of earth, making it passive in nature, it also gets the reputation of being emotionally cold or having a cold personality. I realize that these ideas are present because those traits have been observed over the centuries, but I do not subscribe to the idea that Capricorns are colder in nature than other signs. This is because I have found that what is true instead is that Capricorns appear to be cold to people that are not Capricorns. I have known many Capricorns in my life, and yes, some of their decisions can seem cold to others, but really, the essence of the situation is that Capricorns have excellent emotional control, and the ability to make tough decisions when necessary. True, some Capricorns can take it to the extreme, but every sign can take certain traits of theirs to an extreme, so this is a situation that is not unique to Capricorns.

The moon itself is in the cardinal water sign of Cancer, and we can see at first glance that what they have in common is the cardinal attribute. In astrology, cardinal is a modality that has to do with being proactive and avanate gard, rather than just the status quo. In a lot of ways, cardinal energy is that of the pioneer, which is something that both Cancers and Capricorns excel at, neither one desiring to settle for consistency. Yes, consistency is good, but if there is a better way, then why not do it? Cancer is a sign that is largely focused on the home and immediate family, whereas Capricorn energy is largely focused on the career, occupation, and overall direction of life. Cancer is the energy of the mother, whereas Capricorn is the energy of the father, to put it another way. We can now see how the two can be in conflict, but also how they can be in harmony.

What makes this full moon especially interesting is that there are currently three major chart points in Capricorn (The Sun, Mercury retrograde, and Pluto), whereas there is only the moon in Cancer. This tells us that the weight of the scales favors Capricorn energy, and with the current Mercury retrograde, this energy is all about reviewing where you’re going in life in a general sense, and what needs to be done to clear the plate for the incoming changes in direction. Another subtle influence right now is Uranus retrograde in Taurus. This chart point is harmonizing well with both the Cancer moon and Capricorn sun. Uranus is the planet of individuality, uniqueness, and mass communication, but also, when its retrograde, it is the energy of inner rebellion. To sum it up, Uranus retrograde is the idea that “I am tired of my own bullshit.” When we put this into context of the full moon, we see that the message here is to face your bullshit and make the appropriate changes in order to influence your overall direction of life, while bringing this into harmony with your home and immediate family.

The current Mars retrograde in Gemini is another subtle influence here because it is getting along well with Venus in Aquarius. One of the ways this may manifest is by helping you change your mindset. As metaphysics has discussed for a few centuries now, before physical world changes can be brought into being, one must first change their mind. Gemini is personal communication, and Aquarius is the energy of the group, meaning that part of the necessary mental changes lie within how you communicate with others, and how you function within society. Another part of this is to see that if you want “the prize,” whatever that may be, then there are certain things you may have to do, and attitudes within yourself that need changed in order to do so.

So to summarize, first evaluate the changes you want to make in your overall direction of life, and how that lines up with your home and immediate family. Then, figure out what beliefs or attitudes that you have that are self-defeating and self-sabotaging, and change them in order to alter the direction of your life to be in line with what you want now. And then, in a few weeks, you can roll out these changes, once Mars and Uranus go direct. Yes, that means this is a time of internal review, but now there is a light at the end of the tunnel that is not an oncoming train, and that light is the direct motion of the planets in astrology that will be available to us from late January to mid-April.

I leave you with this question, then: In what area of your thoughts are you tired of your own bullshit? And more importantly, once the planets go direct, what are you going to do about it? What changes to your thought processes and beliefs will you make? And, what is your new course of action? It can’t be returning to the same old some old with simply a different outlook. After all, you’ve been there, done that, and you know what that gets you. Yes, all of this may sound cold, but it is grounded in love, another trait of Cancer, and sometimes you have to break a few eggs to have an omelette, so you might as well enjoy the process of breaking the eggs since they need broken anyway.


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