Happy Full Moon!


Today we have the full moon, with the sun in Aquarius and the moon in Leo. This is a particularly powerful full moon, not only because all of the significant planets in astrology are direct, but also because there is a fixed sign T-Square in the air. Taking the edge off of this, though, is the fact that Chiron in Aries is interacting positively with both the sun and the moon, so let’s break things down to better understand what we can do at this time.

First, we have the standard full moon. And, as par for the course for this particular full moon, a lot of the major themes of this time have to do with finding the balance and the harmony between the self and the collective. Now is the time to do what is best for you, but not to the detriment of others. Or perhaps you spend so much time doing things for others that you forget to take care of yourself. Both of these are important points, but both of them are part of the standard interpretation of this full moon every year.

What makes this year different is the fact that there is a fixed sign T-Square, when you factor Uranus in Taurus into the equation. A T-Square is an aspect pattern that tells us challenges are present and they are in effect in a general sense. In this case, the challenges have to do with the above-mentioned quest for balance and harmony when it comes to doing what is best for you, vs what is best for all involved and how random, unexpected, daily occurrences can throw a monkeywrench into your plans. This reminds me of the classic phrase, “the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.” For this point, we see that the message here is to find the inner balance between the self and the collective, but still leave room for a margin of error. If you run your schedule so tight that there is no room for error, then you are probably failing in other areas of life.

So, we have this T-Square that is producing stress during this full moon, but the good news is that there are a couple of other positive aspects that should be considered. First, as mentioned above, Chiron in Aries is forming a trine to the moon and a sextile to the sun. Chiron is the planet of the wound and wounded healer, and Aries is a sign that corresponds to willpower and a sense of self, so the overall message is that by finding the balance between the self and the collective, you put yourself in a position to heal from wounds suffered in your youth that impact your overall sense of self and sense of being. This is the beginning of that healing journey, though when it comes to emotional fulfillment, but this particular healing journey will come easy to you once you make certain decisions in your mind.

Also playing a positive part in the skies right now is Mars in Gemini. Mars is forming a gently flowing, positive sextile to the moon, and a trine to the sun, so we see it is in some ways a reversal of a relationship that Chiron has to this full moon axis. Mars in Gemini sextiling the moon tells us now is a good time to reach out to people to find new and innovative ways to establish the harmony between the self and the collective. The fact that Mars is trining the sun tells us that while you may come to some sort of positive outcome when it comes to your emotional self and well-being, you may only be at the beginning of the road when it comes to integrating this material into your overall goal of harmonizing with the collective.

Mars is also forming that same gentle sextile to Chiron in Aries, so you may find personal conversations help you heal. Part of the way to accomplish this is to stay humble. I have always found that sometimes people point out our strengths and weaknesses when we could not see them for ourselves. In order to receive this wisdom, though, one has to stay humble and see themselves from the view of others. This can be quite a daunting task because we have to get out of our own way and trust. See, that’s the key. In order to find the balance and harmony between the self and the collective, we have to trust that everything will work out fine and that through believing in ourselves and our roles in the collective, we can achieve not only personal growth but also the conveyance of wisdom to others. And in order to trust, we must first confront fear. Usually, in this case, the fear we have is the oldest fear of humanity-the fear of the unknown.

What do we do with all of this information? Well, the answer is easy and hard at the same time. The easy answer is that we start working with the themes that are discussed above. The hard answer is that in order to do that, we have to accept the fact that we are limited in many ways. This is something we all experience since we are in physical form, and therefore separated out from Spirit. As you can tell, healing is a good path to walk right now, as is changing personal views about the collective and how we interact with the collective. No person is an island, so we all need the collective to a certain extent, but that doesn’t mean the relationship has to be codependent or addictive. Inner reflection is a good practice to do during this full moon, as is seeing ourselves from the perspectives of others. This does not mean that we have to one hundred percent agree with what others think of us, but rather we can use their opinions as ways to see ourselves differently, and thus we can learn and develop parts of ourselves that we may not have explored otherwise.

Over the next month, I encourage all of us to reflect on this information and incorporate it when possible and appropriate. Once this is done, we can move forward not only with our own healing and success but also when it comes to helping others, something that is always needed in the world.


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