Happy Full Moon!


Today we have the full moon, with the sun in Taurus and the moon in Scorpio. We also have a lunar eclipse, and Mercury is retrograde, along with Pluto. This also happens to be the day of the festival Wesak, as well as Beltane, so needless to say, this is an active time. Effectively, we could say that yesterday, today, and this weekend, will all be strongly affected by all of this energy. Wesak celebrates the birth and ascension of Buddha, and Beltane is a nature-based spirituality holy day of fertility. South of the equator it is the festival Samhain, which honors spirits, particularly ancestors. A dominant aspect pattern in the sky is a grand trine in water signs, which occurs between the moon in Scorpio, Mars in Cancer, and Neptune in Pisces. This aspect pattern tells us that emotions may be stronger than normal, as will your intuition, so exercising emotional control is wise to do. But, this aspect pattern also corresponds to spiritual initiation, and when we look at the accompanying traits of today, we gain clearer insight.

An initiation happens when you begin something, so when you think about what is in the air right now, the most logical initiations out there have to do with how we choose to process emotions and how we live our spirituality in our daily lives. This last point is beyond addressing what you believe, and it entails how you express it in your daily life. Let’s face it. Anyone can believe anything, and that is our right as autonomous beings, but how many people live/demonstrate their beliefs? Are you one of those people? Am I? This is a question we all have to ask ourselves. Not just because we might or might not be but also because it helps us stay on track. Periodic reviews are good approaches to take in life, as they work as a sort of check and balance against ourselves, and even though this is a time of fertile energy in the air, it is also a good time for internal review, thanks to Mercury retrograde. After all, it’s better to review than it is to get blindsided by something in the near future.

Consider this review an assessment, and when that is done, it is time to begin. Begin what, you ask? Well, whatever your will encourages. If the energy in the air right now is ripe for beginning new projects, then the only thing to do is to decide what you will focus on achieving this year. We are still in the first half of the calendar year, so more of the year lies in front of us than behind us. The seeds we sow now will come to fruition later this year, and while some projects will take longer to manifest, we will still have a better sense of where things stand six months from now if we go into the year with clear and focused intent.

Mercury directs on the fifteenth, which means that you have until then to lay your plans out. I generally use a notebook and pen, but writing a document on your device is just as effective. The more you focus on how you are going to achieve your goals and why, the more your subconscious will help you achieve success, as long as you put in the necessary work. Doing the daily grind is a major theme right now, and by practicing self-discipline and a good work ethic, you can create a structured work environment conducive to success.

Finally, the Wesak component tells us this is a good time to apply wisdom to your situation. Wisdom is the application of knowledge, so now is the time to apply what you have experienced. This can be tricky, though, as not everyone’s experiences are the same, so judging ourselves by the barometer of others is a surefire way to bump and bruise your ego. However, judging yourself in the context of your overall life’s path can show you that the road behind you should be considered as much as the road in front of you. Sometimes we measure success by how we’ve grown and what we’ve accomplished rather than looking at the potential in the future.

The icing on the cake is the eclipse energy, which has a tendency to distort things, and this point should be taken into account when you’re making your plans. What if your plans fail in a spectacular and unexpected fashion? Then, what? But, what if your plans succeed in a spectacular and unexpected fashion? Then, what? So many people fail because they don’t think big enough, so during this moon it would be wise to plan for over-the-top success as much as potential failure.

However you celebrate this auspicious time, remember that it is all about the joy! Our emotional investment in our lives is the fuel that drives the engine of our success, and today is a good day to make sure your tank is full.



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